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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. beautiful snapshot :) “@feenstuh: Morning gloom http://t.co/fKv6xcCm”

  2. Because clearly the difference b/t Star Trek & Star Wars; lightsabers ;)

  3. Because I Never Finish Anyth... I created my 3rd 101 Things in 1001 Days List http://bit.ly/l0YkGl

  4. Because I've been living in camps for 6 yrs, I'm the only woman you'll probably meet that can pack for a week long trip in 5 minutes flat.

  5. Bedtime reading is a book titled, A History of Modern Computing. That is all. I'm really tired so goodnight, gentle nerdlings.

  6. Beef kebobs, salad and water for dinner. How paleo of me...

  7. Begin at the beginning or why it's ok to be a bad artist http://bit.ly/jFkGe5

  8. Being up in a remote camp, I had forgotten what lightning-fast internet access was like. My mind was just blown. Wow! #rly

  9. Ben Affleck as well. He's really gotten more good looking as he's gotten older AND rocks a beard. Much better than his Goodwill Hunting days

  10. Ben Franklin on Being Virtuous:The Virtue of Cleanliness | The Art of Manliness http://t.co/4ZAcyp4P via @artofmanliness

  11. Beware: 2012 is the year of the dragon and I'm a dragon. Muhahaha... meh.

  12. Black and white is a sophisticated combination for showing off busy, Norwegian knits. http://t.co/SbEgYg6e

  13. Blackberry-vanilla tea in my pretty Spring mug. http://t.co/lrmHsKdv

  14. Blogged: Begin at the beginning or why it's ok to be a bad artist http://bit.ly/jFkGe5

  15. Blogged: Spartacus Blood & Sand workout & diet plus 300 workout http://bit.ly/hTZ6i7

  16. Bought a bear at Ikea. I named him Henrik (Sedin) after my favourite hickey player.

  17. Brad Pitt and Jon Stewart in the same room together talking... is pure awesomeness.

  18. British lady mixing up a Bloody Mary for breakfast. Husband: "don't you think it's a little early for that?" Lady: "what?! No, I'm awake!"

  19. Brown Jenkin by @bpal is amazing! In my top 10 for sure :) Their Lovecraft scents never fail to please me. http://bit.ly/h3QJ1j

  20. Brown Rice and Fruit Ring (1973). Were ppl expected to eat this or hang it from a tree for the birds? http://t.co/Df8m7V4Eb0

  21. Brushing my teeth with my lightsaber toothbrush. http://t.co/AjIg7WxM

  22. But I can't really knock anything that inspires ppl to the side of reason and away from the nonsense of religion.

  23. But one could argue the 80's was the 'Me decade' on steroids summed up by "greed is good".

  24. But when your raised on Star Wars and Nestle's Quik you come away with a unique perspective about the world.
