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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. As you know I've been working towards a steampunk bedroom so it's no surprise that I'm entirely jealous of this beauty http://bit.ly/hMGFMI

  2. astronomer-in-progress: We’re NASA and We Know It (Mars Curiosity)Oh my fucking NASAThis is awesome! http://t.co/q2xQCUBB

  3. At Starbucks buying first venti half-sweet pumpkin latte if the year.

  4. At Starbucks in Kamloops. Almost home & ...And Justice For All still my favourite Metallica album.

  5. At the airport :) Now the marathon 6 hours of Fun With Airports.

  6. At Tim Horton's, my lovelies. Still no internet connectivity at home.

  7. autumnhollow: Pumpkin Snickerdoodles!! http://t.co/GsAKFY4v

  8. Auww :( Only 3 days left of my week off. So sad.

  9. auww :) I will see her in 2.75 months.

  10. Awkward glam shot of my nails. It's actually a really pretty grey/silver mix. http://t.co/qHYAp2lo

  11. b/c airline had to put me up in a hotel, For the 1st time in 37 years, I have a legit reason to use all those hotel soaps.

  12. b/c it came up somewhere else... My favourite Harry Potter movie is Prisoner of Azkaban. It's deliciously creepy, dark, and eccentric.

  13. b/c we evacuated for the forest fire, I didn't get to the gym for my workout and dinner was really late. Today is a write-off.

  14. Back & Biceps & new zombie playlist. (@ Long Lake Gym) [pic]: http://4sq.com/kbs0eo

  15. Back & Biceps. (@ Long Lake Gym) [pic]: http://4sq.com/jQJ5rq

  16. Back and biceps tonight at the gym. Should be a good time.

  17. Back in the old days when power was restored only the lights would come in. Now all office tech needs to go thru checks & start-ups. Noisy!

  18. Back soon - Due to lack of proper Internet connectivity, I will not be online for the next 30 days. http://t.co/US5c5b8R

  19. Back to life. Back to reality. What I meant to say.. back to camp. Back to school. http://t.co/ytEBdYyR

  20. Banana and 2 cans of low-sodium V8 juice for lunch. Not a bad compromise considering my juicer is in my office and... I'm not.

  21. Barney keeping me company during Earth Hour http://instagram.com/p/CksNA/

  22. BBC News - Has World War II carrier pigeon message been cracked? http://t.co/WXp7XouU

  23. Be still my preppy lovin' heart! http://t.co/JYgkrk3t

  24. Beautiful :) but that moons of Saturn image gave me chills. RT @NASA_SDO ... Best Space and Astronomy Images of 2011! http://t.co/A70QKTGa

  25. Beautiful but not surprising. RT @GammaCounter Photographer gets up at dawn, for a year, Richmond Park: http://bit.ly/eJK5rZ
