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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I am going write for 4 hours straight tonight with 1 allotted supper break @ 7 pm.

  2. Damn :'( Sad to hear about Edler being out of the Canucks line up. No time to dwell as it's time to curl up and defrag for the night.

  3. auww :) I will see her in 2.75 months.

  4. I tried that and lo'! You were out of stock so I was denied a new phone. @TELUSsupport @TELUSSupport

  5. Telus had better give me an iPhone 4 or I'll snap. I've waited patiently for 3 yrs to get rid of this Piece of Shit Blackberry Pearl.

  6. I declare Coconut to be my favourite food.

  7. Oh I'll be chuckling all night @Fluevog Can't believe a for profit company is to cheap to pay people to market their stuff. Volunteers? LOL

  8. I am so tired. Goodnight sweet and lovely, fellow geeks. Time to curl up and defrag for the next 7.5 hours.

  9. Oh hai, Twitters!

  10. They tax my pay, take payments Student Loan & want back taxes. Money, money money but no money for honey :'(

  11. Makes one look like those fruit pickers from Montreal that live in BC during the summer. via @CanadaCool @strombo http://bit.ly/ei6qns

  12. So The Great One, Wayne Gretzky is going to be 50 year old in 3 days. Tempus fugit... indeed.

  13. Figures Luongo would blow it for the Canucks.

  14. I figure as long as I can successfully work the clutch in my car tomorrow, i will be alright, ankle be damned.

  15. Thoughts on my own personal style. Perhaps worth reading :) I think so. http://bit.ly/gwGlAI
