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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. If you didn't see my tweet re: the Steampunk Office then I encourage you to go look. It's quite lovely http://bit.ly/hMGFMI

  2. I hate people. Battered, kicked and stabbed, the desperate plight of Britain's last circus elephant http://bit.ly/fUK8UV

  3. Beautiful but not surprising. RT @GammaCounter Photographer gets up at dawn, for a year, Richmond Park: http://bit.ly/eJK5rZ

  4. The distance between my job and my home is 1,058 km. #random

  5. *LOL* Surprise surprise... RT @cbcsports Sabres win eliminates Maple Leafs playoff hopes

  6. Wow. Luongo. Just Wow. #Canucks

  7. I have not dyed/coloured an easter egg since I was in Brownies in 1982. I think I will dye some this year. #random

  8. Pumpkin smoothie attempt 2. This time mixed w/vanilla protein powder. Delicious but needs work. http://instagram.com/p/C5KW9/

  9. So will I but I can handle delayed gratification :) RT @billamend Just realized I'm going to be traveling when Portal 2 comes out.

  10. From WWdN; a post re: flying within the US - I don't feel safe. I feel violated, humiliated, and angry. http://bit.ly/fzy4pj

  11. A knitted Weighted Companion Cube --> what nerdy knitters knit while waiting for Portal 2 to be released http://bit.ly/hSdqEa

  12. I would like to meet another well-adjusted person who can say life is not perfect, but it's good, & their childhood was mostly warm & fuzzy.

  13. Pleasantly surprised to see Brian Greene on #bigbangtheory :)

  14. I've always believe rules are for suckers that's why I've tried to follow as few of them as possible.

  15. Playoff season (aka Spring in other parts of the world) and Summer always make me homesick for BC :'( Celebration of Light... Peach fest...

  16. Wow... Boston, I don't know what to say.

  17. I got 'Undead'. Figures :P RT @codinghorror oooh my geek sign is Ninja/Samurai, this MUST be correct http://goo.gl/yqS0t (via @lizardbill)

  18. It's like the #Canucks can't help but make it hard on themselves. It's in their team DNA.

  19. Oh and btw I cut my bangs. Couldn't go through with growing them out.

  20. LOL! Re: Luongo (#Canucks goaltender) "crease dwelling starfish". That was my chuckle for the day and it's only 08:20.

  21. 5. She's one hell of a cook, and baker for that matter. #5factsaboutmymom

  22. Probably not a good idea to get a blue vagina tattooed on your back. Now you're The Girl With the Blue Waffle Tattoo. http://bit.ly/iuHhHU

  23. My office trailer lonely in the distance. http://instagr.am/p/ECB4V/

  24. Wow, that brings back so many memories. *sigh* RT @wilw I just found this in my garage. http://bit.ly/jhE13X
