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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I'm at Long Lake Gym (Hwy 881, Anzac) http://4sq.com/hW3PPb

  2. Modified 300 workout at the gym tonight. If too busy then I'll swap out w/Leg day. Also easy running intervals to avoid shin splints.

  3. Lovely @bpal scent of the day is Steampunk inspired No. 93 Engine http://instagram.com/p/Cn1Bq/

  4. Decided life feels a bit stale so am going to give it a reboot. It's lacking in smart conversation & creative energy.

  5. *sigh* RT @VanCanucks From AV: Hamhuis suffered a concussion. Concussion protocol will be followed.

  6. DL'd @Pogue's iPhone Missing Manual from Kindle Store. Soon I'll be able to fight zombies with speed, stealth and agility.

  7. According to starmap pro, Saturn is aglow in front of me. Too bad there are clouds in my coffee :'(

  8. Barney keeping me company during Earth Hour http://instagram.com/p/CksNA/

  9. Walking thru camp to the kitchen to make tea http://instagram.com/p/CipI8/

  10. Walking thru camp to the kitchen to make tea http://instagram.com/p/CipI8/

  11. I'm the proud owner of a new iPhone 4 :) My 1st iPhone ever & 1st phone in 3 years. I shall name it Spinoza after my fav philosopher.

  12. 30 min until end of work and 2 days off. Don't plan to be as busy as @celestialrose though :P

  13. I have a raging fever :'( Only 1 hour then I can go back to camp and sleep.

  14. How come I didn't know about this?! ESPECIALLY since I'm on a Darwin jag. gah! Darwin's Brave New World http://bit.ly/fvR9ZA

  15. 2 strong quakes reported in Burma (aka Myanmar) - World - CBC News http://t.co/3GMJaL8

  16. Prepare yourself for Earth Hour 2011 with the "Lights Off" Twitter-application. http://eh2011.com #earthhour

  17. My phone has lasted exactly 3 yrs. It was going alright til I spilled coffee on it 2 days ago. Goodbye Blackberry, I never like you anyway.

  18. Copyright troll Righthaven achieves spectacular "fair use" loss http://t.co/fbTV8Xp via @arstechnica

  19. Elizabeth Taylor was a good actress; product of her generation though. If anything I admired her eccentricity and strong will. RIP

  20. Good! So much for 'do no evil'. Google digital book deal rejected by judge http://t.co/0F62aYX

  21. True RT @Futterwackan Some ppl feel they are going along like everyone else in this world but in reality they inspire us to be better ppl.

  22. Back and biceps tonight at the gym. Should be a good time.

  23. Oh not to brag but in 4.5 months I've increased the amount of weight on the tricep pushdown by 25lbs ;) Not to shabby.

  24. ran 2.18 km on 19/3/2011 at 7:48 PM http://go.nike.com/679s8i8
