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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I'm making a friendship bracelet while watching Haven and drinking a Dark 'n' Stormy. Not a bad way to spend a Friday evening at camp.

  2. Have the weekend off to knit gauge swatches for sweater, watch Haven, crochet Cthulhu and continue reading Under the Dome.

  3. Photo: I want this. I want a few of them. http://tumblr.com/xfx3na1ug8

  4. Photo: Really? This is an overdose of cute. Not fair. At all. http://tumblr.com/xfx3n6aem0

  5. I found the rumoured Gosling's Black Seal Rum. There will be Dark 'n' Stormies for the weekend! http://instagr.am/p/INSRf/

  6. Photo: Caption: Actually, I AM a rocket scientist. http://tumblr.com/xfx3mm3z3a

  7. Photo: Chocolate Cosmos are one of my favourite flowers. Definitely in my top 3. http://tumblr.com/xfx3mjdo97

  8. Shreddies are filling.

  9. Pulp novels, science writing, resolutions and a recipe for a Dark 'n' Stormy http://t.co/qZBavCA

  10. This Dark and Stormy Night. Pulp novels, science writing, resolutions and a recipe for a Dark 'n' Stormy http://t.co/qZBavCA

  11. Photo: Beautiful. I would love a home as natural as this, just without all the purple. http://tumblr.com/xfx3lwvc2t

  12. Lunch camp style; plain yogurt drizzled w/ honey and sprinkled w/ walnuts. Its as gourmet as it gets. http://instagr.am/p/IGwTW/

  13. Diversions: Beer filled desserts, Science DVD's, a Chocolate Porter, and another pumpkin ale http://t.co/9AYTcrQ

  14. That was supposed to be running in the heat...

  15. Grey; what would I ever do without you? You are my very favourite. I love all your shades.

  16. People wonder how the Helicopter Mom phenomenon got started. My theory is Oprah. Her show made NA women neurotic.

  17. On Haven, Pumpkin and Maple ales, Chocolate and Espresso Stouts and a recipe for Choco Espresso Stout cupcakes http://t.co/NSasQxF

  18. "Science will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into skyscrapers." I agree.

  19. Only 1 movie this weekend b/c since #Eureka in CDN not avail on iTunes, I dl'd the first season of #Haven instead so will watch that.

  20. Photo: How I spent the first hour of my morning. http://tumblr.com/xfx3kd1v0t

  21. From Prisoner of Azkaban to Deathly Hallows, the Harry Potter movies just kept getting better. Half-way thru HPDH Pt 1 and so far awesome.

  22. On Pumpkins and Horror Movies - A post on my blog about finding the right pumpkin scented perfume and making... http://tumblr.com/xfx3jzk584
