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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. First attempt at pumpkin coconut banana smoothie. Not bad needs molasses or maple syrup & more spice. http://instagram.com/p/CrUnk/

  2. I realized I can go across Canada & get schnackered on really great beer. 7000-ish km is a loOoOong way to travel.

  3. I bet I got hit with identity theft again. Good thing I had no money in that account. Should be an interesting convo w/bank tomorrow.

  4. What makes me just a bit sad about working in northern Alberta? A serious lack of daffodils in the Spring.

  5. I should go pay my student loan today b/c it's 10C & sunny and there could be a snowstorm tomorrow. Probably not worth the risk.

  6. Sounds like RoboCop meets Speed RT @GreatDismal I really want to see Source Code.

  7. Tim Horton's in Fort McMurray. Probably the most famous in Canada. http://instagram.com/p/CtpfF/

  8. No tall ships festivals in Halifax, Richmond or Victoria this year :'( So sad.

  9. Oh! I forgot to mention my fav recipes project is 50% done. Should be ready for when I go home in June.

  10. I hate April Fool's day. I can't wait for this day to be over.

  11. Dava Sobel has a new book coming out. I can't wait :) I love Longitude & The Planets http://t.co/s3fFQjQ

  12. What's happening, Twitter? The Toronto Blue Jays completely embarrassed the Twins tonight, I'll tell you what.

  13. New blog post: To Fail is Divine http://bit.ly/gCY9yx

  14. I love this so hard. It fills me w/warmth and happiness :) Stephen Colbert Sings "Friday" on Late Night w/Jimmy Fallon http://t.co/Dj2s7pm

  15. Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality by Elias Aboujaoude http://t.co/ZQs6v0V

  16. New glasses on Thursday-ish. I can't wait :) Wearing broken glasses is not fun. At all.

  17. Everything you eat is bad for you in some way so why bother getting all obsessed about it?

  18. Thanks for sucking tonight Vancouver #Canucks. I hardly ever get to watch a game on tv. You owe me.

  19. Creating a movie list to help me complete 1 of my New Year's resolutions. It's a pretty great list. Should I blog it?

  20. I'm more disturbed that any farmer is allowed to own 3000 pigs -- 2,000 pigs die in Alta. barn fire http://t.co/Ac35EEA

  21. I love being able to finally watch tv on my phone. Makes lunch a whole lot better.

  22. Leg day at the gym. My favourite :)

  23. As you know I've been working towards a steampunk bedroom so it's no surprise that I'm entirely jealous of this beauty http://bit.ly/hMGFMI

  24. My life at camp taken in a series of Instagrams http://bit.ly/fz1QWB

  25. "the only desirable things in the world... old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to converse with, old books to read" - Alfonso
