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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. That was the best run yet despite feeling a bit sick at the end. My playlist made me feel 8 yrs old all over again :)

  2. I'm serious. If you don't think this is the cutest thing ever, we'll never be able to get along. http://t.co/Qx3sf7cP

  3. If you're at all curious, yesterday was "Rapture" by Blondie. All. Day. I'm almost positive that's from the 70's though.

  4. I can't sleep :'(

  5. If National Geographic was offering 50% off trips to Antarctica I totally would signed up. Too bad it's 50% off bric-a-brac :'(

  6. I blogged. I do that sometimes. It's fun :) http://t.co/0uScdJyD

  7. Is it old age that causes one's eyes to be sore all the time?

  8. The end of "A Good Man Goes to War" was so good I may have clapped a little. I love Dr. Who so hard.

  9. Just wow "@bittersweetdb: Madness. CBC News: Fired RIM execs 'chewed through restraints' on flight http://t.co/n5Qa4p35 cc @greatdismal

  10. I miss being home in BC. Lots of cool stuff happening this weekend in Vancouver and I'm here in Fort Mac, working. Plus, I miss my dog :'(

  11. Also, there are 6 other Canadian hockey teams so plenty of non-Maple Leafs hockey for Hockey Night in Canada to broadcast.

  12. Well, good night gentle geeks. 5 a.m. wake-ups come too early. I think tomorrow is Leg Day. Sleep it is then. Need my strength.

  13. "i’m honestly starting to think television is the kryptonite that keeps us all from being our own Superman."

  14. Weird, short people look taller in photos but hockey players look smaller on TV. In person, suited up, hockey players are freakin' huge.

  15. I know what I want for Yule but I think it's going to be really hard to find :'(

  16. I have to go into work on my day off but I'm not doing it until after the #Canucks game tonight. I've decided and that's that.

  17. Can't get on wireless so stuck using phone. This camp sucks.

  18. Photo: Lovely photograph of Angelina Jolie. http://t.co/9ywz6nnq

  19. I have a brilliant idea. Now I need to write it down before I forget.

  20. Impressive. Most impressive. RT @thinkgeek Which drink will I have? The one that is a WATERFALL OF FIRE. http://t.co/Q9iiUi3v #sopretty

  21. Photo: Bear cubs! How can something so deadly be so cute? http://t.co/2PnPLxoa
