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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Unbelievable. It's December in Fort Mac and we're expecting RAIN showers tonight. Rain?! Usually it's -30C.

  2. The guy installing the printer works for Xerox. I've never met anyone that works for Xerox before. It's almost old school.

  3. Photo: I would love to have this t-shirt @nerdist is wearing but alas… that shade of blue does nothing for... http://t.co/8UoGiBb7

  4. Photo: *sigh* 1 more day until I see my puppy. http://t.co/1BntmHoc

  5. Must be true. I believe it. “@Kaelestes: Candy Corn + Empty Stomach = Instantaneous Death”

  6. I picked my first geeky giveaway project. I'll probably start working on it right after Christmas.

  7. 10 months since I quit smoking. My lungs greatly appreciate my efforts as does my bank account.

  8. Photoset: zoomar: A Cthulhu christmas tree! OH-EM-GEE!! I love it! http://t.co/UYB1qTZZ

  9. Sleep. Still no answer to my black hole/dark matter/expanding universe question. Some day.

  10. Oh, Burrows :) I'm fond of you as well.

  11. wh00! Nice goal kid! :D

  12. Going to Staples. I love the smell of new notebooks in the morning.


    #thatssomethingalright RT @aots Watch @nerdist in Sniper's "All I Want For Xmas" music video: http://t.co/1J29VK1w


  14. I agree w/making NHL rinks bigger but am not crazy about reinstating the red line. http://t.co/QVMlJVEx

  15. Christopher Hitchens is one of my favourite authors. I'm truly sad that he died :'(

  16. I have an astronomy question re: black holes. Where can I go for an answer?

  17. I am so angry right now. This camp is more like a prison.

  18. I only have Mansfield Park left to read and I've read all of Jane Austen's completed novels :) Next, Dickens.

  19. Oh relax! "That girl" wearing make-up at the gym might have just gotten off work and straight to the gym. Haters gonna hate. #gympetpeeve

  20. It's the thought that counts :D RT @UndeadTeam "If Zombies are ever chasing us, I'd consider not tripping you" - http://t.co/XVWLLETH

  21. Woke up this morning feeling down on my luck. Workout last night took every oz of energy. Breakfast made everything better. And coffee.

  22. I just had a knitting epiphany.

  23. I see from @theMapleTap that it's Emily Carr's birthday. She was such an amazing artist.

  24. My legs don't hurt after my 5K training tonight. It may be a small victory in my ongoing battle with shin splints. Here's hoping :)
