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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Rescued a damsel in distress tonight. Turns out she's a real fucking idiot. Should have left her in the ditch.

  2. Finished listening to Shadow Over Innsmouth so I wore Y'ha-Nthlei. Now listening to ...Witchhouse so should have worn Brown Jenkin.

  3. Photo: A very lovely, creative way to compromise on the vanilla vs. chocolate debate. #teamvanilla http://t.co/IfJdNVwN

  4. Photo: Almost too cute to post. http://t.co/1Fp9x6Au

  5. Finally finished listening to Haunter of the Dark. Andrew Lehman is on a tear. Great work. Really creepy! http://t.co/J9FoJ8KJ

  6. Photo: Been awhile since I posted a heart-meltingly puppy photo. http://t.co/9pWbE2Th

  7. Toronto doctor's 'magic pill' goes viral http://t.co/EhJvyVdS

  8. Photo: bearablebeer: For @thebigmog because I was teasing him :P http://t.co/9XlTRJem

  9. Americans are up-in-arms against the 1% yet they can't get enough of supporting the 1%'s Superbowl commercials. #whybother

  10. Trying to make a list of essential stuff. Surprisingly difficult.

  11. Dicken feat. Milah & Korben: "Everything Counts": http://t.co/CxW7NDYV

  12. My new challenge is to try and not spend any money for a month. http://t.co/AJrrVt9h

  13. Dear @ChadFifer; please let Andrew L. know that he was fantastic in Call of Cthulhu. He has the perfect voice to tell bedtime stories!

  14. Alberta it will be. Going to the registrar next week to renew my Alberta driver's license.

  15. Beautiful :) but that moons of Saturn image gave me chills. RT @NASA_SDO ... Best Space and Astronomy Images of 2011! http://t.co/A70QKTGa

  16. Alright! 2:59 AM finally done work. Going back to camp now to sleep.

  17. Perfect :) RT @nerdist If transferring from GoDaddy, we have 10% off deal for Nerdist listeners/followers at http://t.co/2jZE4bmX! #NOPA

  18. John Shorthouse said "another day, another interpretation (of O Canada)". That was very diplomatic of him.

  19. Came back to work and need to work an emerg 12 hour shift. I'll be here til midnight. Good times.

  20. First it's backing out of Kyoto and now "Canada won't try again for Security Council seat." Very interesting. http://t.co/evUWd8PH

  21. In camp. Going to sleep now.

  22. Landed in Edmonton. Now for the 4 hour drive back to Fort McMurray. Will caffeinate sufficiently.

  23. Have to walk onto the plane in the pouring rain :( sux... but decided on audiobook for plane; "The Disappearing Spoon" by Sam Kean.

  24. Time to catch a plane, fight the hoarde, sing and cry, "Valhalla I am coming!"
