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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Oh, LA Kings... those retro jerseys are something awful.

  2. I've been on Twitter since Nov 2007 and I just rolled over 10,000 tweets.

  3. Why does @cbcsports call Vancouver never-never land?

  4. I think the Canadian government needs to do something to help. Syrian forces open fire on thousands of protesters http://t.co/NfO1mRTr

  5. I bought that new Revlon Photofinish foundation & pardon my french but holy shit, it actually works! Awesome stuff. I am so happy.

  6. The World's Five Most Dangerous Countries for Women http://t.co/dVnOcJVF

  7. More about my minimalist challenge http://t.co/wqa0kBAN

  8. "I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones." -- John Cage

  9. Dear Americans; Bill HR 875 is much scarier than SOPA. You can live w/o the Internet but you can't live w/o food.

  10. Worked out w/my personal trainer tonight. Did cool exercise-- lying bicep curl w/cable. Curled 65 lbs on middle set of 7 sets. Good times.

  11. The coconut milk w/coffee didn't work out. I dumped it but! I think it would go great with vanilla chai tea.

  12. Workout was awesome tonight. I made up for last night's unorganized, weak attempt.

  13. Wow! Now these are great photographs. Powerful. World Press Photo winners http://t.co/L4n3TVQt

  14. How to think like a Neanderthal http://t.co/maAtYsvC

  15. I feel that it's no longer proper to breathe oxygen, as it's stealing all the hard work done by plants and trees.

  16. My workout tonight sucked. I felt uncoordinated and weak :(

  17. Brad Pitt and Jon Stewart in the same room together talking... is pure awesomeness.

  18. Famed romance began with exchange of letters http://t.co/8SrbeN04

  19. It's now officially 1 year since I quit smoking :) I declare that 2011 NYE resolution a success.

  20. I could drink 'it' all day long. I could drink all day long as well but sadly they have a no fine ale drinking rule at work :'(

  21. I'm starting to think that the #1 trait of North American Caucasian women is life-long insecurity... or pretension.

  22. I see my hoe-train of spambots has been deleted.

  23. I just shook my phone like an etch-a-sketch. That means I've lost my mind and require sleep. Good night gentle nerdlings.

  24. How does my tweeting about Lovecraft, X-Files, and hockey result in me getting a slut-train of spambots following me?

  25. b/c it came up somewhere else... My favourite Harry Potter movie is Prisoner of Azkaban. It's deliciously creepy, dark, and eccentric.
