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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Photo: › Emily Dickinson, “Ghosts” http://t.co/IgfynJ8p

  2. "Kent, Sir- everybody knows Kent- Apples, cherries, hops and women." - Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers,... http://t.co/fSAuxXEf

  3. "You are now In London, that great sea, whose ebb and flow At once is deaf and loud, and on the shore..." http://t.co/b1wkNIEm

  4. Photo: Oh, how much I wanted to do this today. I also would have made time for a bit of knitting, and much... http://t.co/tzO4RcEk

  5. I haven't been to pub since 2009. The only place I ever go is the gym. That's a little bit sad...

  6. Blackberry-vanilla tea in my pretty Spring mug. http://t.co/lrmHsKdv


    #Canucks beat the #RedWings ending their 23 home game winning streak! wh00!

  8. Now that men are obsessed w/their phones, one doesn't hear the old bromides about women spending all day talking on their phones.

  9. "Why are republicans either crazy, war mongers, pedophiles, adulterers, crooks, religious nuts?....the US is in trouble!"

  10. Guess it's better than having a screw loose. 'Faster than light' measurement blamed on loose cable http://t.co/BHhETc7b

  11. Too bad he won't find the end of a noose. U.S. fugitive child molester arrested in Montreal http://t.co/I6mt2l8i

  12. Coconut pancakes are my favourite. Have to add that.

  13. Good night gentle geeks :) 4 days until home day! I've been at camp since December 28. 4 days until I can cuddle my puppy.

  14. Reading: Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.

  15. Which is funny because even tho' I haven't been buying books, I've been reading at least 30% more than last year.

  16. It's true! Funny stuff :) Video lampoons Edmonton's love-hate relationship with itself http://t.co/2V17RVON

  17. Middle-aged woman burped loudly & yelled "compliments to the chef." Not even the men are that rude.

  18. Cold Weather Kills Children in Afghan Refugee Camps: http://t.co/xu7gDRE7

  19. Wow! The pics just blow my mind. How can something so fully formed be so small?! New lizard could be world's smallest http://t.co/wSby58XA

  20. Iran stops oil exports to Britain, France http://t.co/GLjXQxHU

  21. The LA Kings look like they're wearing Crown Royal bags. I wonder where they keep their marbles.
