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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Two more errands to run and I can get back to camp. Love the Summer-like weather. Not so fond of Fort Mac tho'.

  2. I think it's a really good possibility that I will move to Ontario.

  3. In a few months, forget "pumpkin everything" and do Autumn differently. http://t.co/UiIyLkc2Qx

  4. I like Alain Vigneault :'( Too bad he was fired.

  5. So I just read a very sad part of "Journal of the Plague Year" so I'm going to stop reading and get some sleep. #heavyheart

  6. Design - Wood Floors Provide Art Underfoot in Seattle: http://t.co/djZX8hNWDB

  7. I see the American media is doing what it does best since 9/11: picking thru the bones & eagerly taking a death count.

  8. Provide your children w/free health care, and give them a real education. Give them the skills to help build future-friendly communities.

  9. Ladies; sometimes I score big! Just got the Urban Decay Smoked palette for free :D http://t.co/ya52yRly9c

  10. The 2004 series of Miss Marple is really good :) I don't know the actress but she's great.

  11. I didn't really enjoy "Rings of Akhaten".

  12. *sigh* does this mean I'll have to use that lame yahoo ID to login to tumblr?

  13. That was a big ol' grammatical error on my part. Oh well.

  14. Since I've given up black (mostly) & have in love w/colour, I'm all about jewel tones for late Summer and Autumn http://t.co/dXMtpDmiww

  15. Photo: bookmania: The Sherlock Holmes Museum in London. http://t.co/5plE7uu244

  16. I feel like I'm in the Germs stage of my "Guns, Germs, Steel" evolution.

  17. I feel like death warmed over, this morning. I predict by the end of the day I'm going to feel even worse.

  18. Video: bookmania: Here’s an imaginative short film This Is Where We Live produced in stop-motion by an... http://t.co/xYvPEUPcEN

  19. I found a really cool literature blog this afternoon. If you like books, check it out http://t.co/BxwkhLSD13

  20. I've never seen this before; very clever :D http://t.co/JZArGeUKYM

  21. Strange Tales - (image via William & Mary Barrett Dyer) While the fears of the people were young, they were... http://t.co/zBfxwpTEIk
