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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. 2 hour workout and a $150 speeding ticket (total BS). My night is complete. Home tomorrow.

  2. 2 new pairs of workout shoes. Spent a small fortune :'( northern climate wrecks shoes so bad they never last long. http://t.co/fOanEgr1

  3. 2 Rochester-area firefighters shot dead in ambush http://t.co/TncrxjMg

  4. 2 strong quakes reported in Burma (aka Myanmar) - World - CBC News http://t.co/3GMJaL8

  5. 30 min until end of work and 2 days off. Don't plan to be as busy as @celestialrose though :P

  6. 4 more hours then I'm officially on Christmas holidays! wh00!

  7. 4 workouts down so guess what I'm doing tonight? Sleeping like a fucking champ. I expect at least 8 blissful hours.

  8. 5 days no sugar, grains etc. Dinner tonight was pork tenderloin, salad, spaghetti squash, and fresh pineapple & red grapes for dessert.

  9. 5. She's one hell of a cook, and baker for that matter. #5factsaboutmymom

  10. 6 days sugar, grain, legume free resulting in 3 lb weight loss. Dinner was maple ham, salad, and skim milk. 2 days off were relaxing.

  11. 8 more days until I go home for Xmas vacation :) Can't wait!

  12. A book on how to make your own 1970's basement. http://t.co/QhQ0z79w

  13. A co-worker of mine died last night. He was 67 years old. His name was Steve and he liked pie and ice cream.

  14. A comment thread full of funny and wit and no snark or trolls. A fun read re: jello salads http://t.co/nv42ELw7

  15. A Country Without Libraries by Charles Simic | The New York Review of Books - › I heard some politician say... http://tumblr.com/xfx2lgdpih

  16. A few of my favourite ocean/sea scents. http://t.co/P70AtEgs

  17. A knitted Weighted Companion Cube --> what nerdy knitters knit while waiting for Portal 2 to be released http://bit.ly/hSdqEa

  18. A little Dr. Who, a bit Lovecraft, a smidgen of Austen, & some owly goodness = awesome gifts!

  19. A serious amount of veg on my sandwich. Delicious. \m/ http://t.co/n5nlzhao

  20. A simple truth RT @rands Business doesn't look out for you. Humans do.

  21. A Transformative Year of Delight and Discovery http://t.co/0ZFE4nFL

  22. A very young Carrie Fisher doing promo work for her upcoming film, Star Wars. Heard of it? ;) http://t.co/V30eLtBl
