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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. From what I've been told, it seems 100% likely my truck took a beating in the hailstorm. Apparently it's bad...

  2. and in 2006 I switched to Mac and use Firefox & sometimes Safari or Chrome. So it didn't occur to me that IE still existed. #IthehorrorofIE6

  3. Apple's autocorrect makes me look like an imbecile :'(

  4. The pear I have ripening on my desk is an D'Anjou. I don't know if that is good, bad, or indifferent.

  5. Photo: superseventies: Y’know… I’ve never had a bad time in Levi’s. Oh and btw; those sand-coloured ones are... http://t.co/5BzOZjFu

  6. Oh I killed a bat on the wknd :'( It hit the very top of my truck; might've stood a chance but then hit the roof rack.

  7. Two new grey nail polishes for fall. Fog by Sally Hanson & Suzi Takes the Wheel by OPI. http://t.co/4iswadAX

  8. Jamie Oliver's hat says Mos Eisley Port Authority: Tatooine. An English chef who's also a Star Wars fan is hard to beat.

  9. Laundry soap; some cost more than I make in an hour's work. Disappointing how expensive necessary things are becoming.

  10. I won't have much time to read and write tonight. If I head to Edmonton tomorrow; I'll have to be on the road by 5 AM-ish.

  11. I also love German food as well.

  12. How smart am I? I'm walking thru a parking lot during a prairie thunder and lightning storms. Good times :)

  13. maybe edmonton: An Open Letter to People Who Take Pictures of Food With Instagram. - maybeedmonton: No, what... http://t.co/keOPhwHx

  14. "So oft have I invoked thee for my muse, And found such fair assistance in my verse, As every alien pen..." http://t.co/0PEEJPQr

  15. Shakespeare brutually misattributed at 7:30 AM. I'm already done with the Web today and I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee.

  16. This flu is making me hate the very thought of perfume and that's really something. Even my beloved BPAL is shelved for a few days.

  17. Photo: Why it’s best to stay off the Web on July 4. http://t.co/BVjhJV6h

  18. As cool as hover boards would be, I've always wanted a speeder bike like in Return of the Jedi. #justsayin

  19. I have spent the past 1.5 days with a raging fever and season 1 of the Gilmore Girls.

  20. Oh and Ghost Whisperer but really I liked it only until the end of 3rd season... but the 4th was okay.

  21. Photo: NICE! I love this colour combination. Why can’t more men dress like this? It’s stunning. http://t.co/nqguwvnv

  22. Photoset: If you know me or are a longtime reader of my blog, you know I collect perfume from BPAL. I used... http://t.co/gjBQAfOI
