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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Srsly, Vancouver... You're losing 2-0 to the Avalanche? Really?

  2. Tough leg workout tonight so I'm going to gingerly work my way to the shower. Good night lovely geeks.

  3. Absolutely gorgeous dog! Red Tibetan Mastiff. £1 million for 'world's most expensive dog' - Telegraph http://t.co/CjteTma

  4. Going to try the Spartacus 'Blood & Sand' Workout tonight at the gym. Should be fun.

  5. I did my first Spartacus 'Blood & Sand' workout & it was as tough as I expected. Perhaps I'll be ready for '300' workout in a few months.

  6. Blogged: Spartacus Blood & Sand workout & diet plus 300 workout http://bit.ly/hTZ6i7

  7. w00h00! I get 9 days off for Ostara (aka Easter). Can't wait!

  8. I did the Spartacus 'Blood & Sand' workout and it kicked my ass http://bit.ly/hTZ6i7

  9. 4 workouts down so guess what I'm doing tonight? Sleeping like a fucking champ. I expect at least 8 blissful hours.

  10. A simple truth RT @rands Business doesn't look out for you. Humans do.

  11. Start of Paleo tomorrow and round 2 of the Spartacus Blood & Sand workout. Time to defrag for the next 7.5 hrs. Good night :)

  12. Personally, I think everyone should own a dog or two... They are the best! Growing up wouldn't have been as much fun without my dogs.

  13. Steak and whole mushrooms for supper. Steak was a bit salty but it was free so I'm not going to complain too loudly...

  14. Brown Jenkin by @bpal is amazing! In my top 10 for sure :) Their Lovecraft scents never fail to please me. http://bit.ly/h3QJ1j

  15. Day 2 of Paleo eating. No sugar, no grains, no legumes. I added back plain greek style yogurt and butter in small amounts.

  16. ran 2.18 km on 19/3/2011 at 7:48 PM http://go.nike.com/679s8i8

  17. Oh not to brag but in 4.5 months I've increased the amount of weight on the tricep pushdown by 25lbs ;) Not to shabby.

  18. Back and biceps tonight at the gym. Should be a good time.

  19. True RT @Futterwackan Some ppl feel they are going along like everyone else in this world but in reality they inspire us to be better ppl.

  20. Good! So much for 'do no evil'. Google digital book deal rejected by judge http://t.co/0F62aYX

  21. Elizabeth Taylor was a good actress; product of her generation though. If anything I admired her eccentricity and strong will. RIP

  22. Copyright troll Righthaven achieves spectacular "fair use" loss http://t.co/fbTV8Xp via @arstechnica

  23. My phone has lasted exactly 3 yrs. It was going alright til I spilled coffee on it 2 days ago. Goodbye Blackberry, I never like you anyway.
