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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I'm going to give it a fair 2 weeks and if the workout is too high-maintenance, I'll go back to my old one.

  2. I'm going to miss the #Canucks game on TSN :'( Have appoint w/personal trainer so will be at the gym. Sucks...

  3. I'm joining the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada so I can stand in the freezing cold and take pictures of stars :) Good times.

  4. I'm just not convinced that someone is a true Charles Dickens fan when they spell his last name, Dickins. #truestory

  5. I'm keeping my Urban Decay Naked palette wrapped until 2012. It's truly full of beautiful, neutral eyeshadow colours. I love them all.

  6. I'm lying in bed tweeting how tired I am. I could just go to sleep like a normal person but noOoOo... I have to nerd up bedtime.

  7. I'm making a friendship bracelet while watching Haven and drinking a Dark 'n' Stormy. Not a bad way to spend a Friday evening at camp.

  8. I'm making this Maple Bavarian Cream recipe from the old 1966 WW book. Should be an interesting taste experience.

  9. I'm more disturbed that any farmer is allowed to own 3000 pigs -- 2,000 pigs die in Alta. barn fire http://t.co/Ac35EEA

  10. I'm not sure how I feel... I'm using the latest Safari browser and well, I kinda dig it.

  11. I'm not sure if I like American Horror Story. It's interesting but not very exciting. But I'll finish the series and give it a chance.

  12. I'm on Google+ and I'm a woman http://t.co/4v4VIak

  13. I'm on my way to 5K! exercised 30min total, 8min running, 1min max run! http://t.co/d3VCHORtI5

  14. I'm on the plane and have hurty brain from coughing so much :( I think I'll just relax and try not to move.

  15. I'm probably the only woman that doesn't like Tina Fey. She's just not my kind of funny.

  16. I'm sad for the parents who's children won't be coming home tonight from school. I don't think many of us can imagine their grief.

  17. I'm sad to hear Iain Banks died :(

  18. I'm serious. If you don't think this is the cutest thing ever, we'll never be able to get along. http://t.co/Qx3sf7cP

  19. I'm sick with the flu. It started last night. http://t.co/BFIU82gA

  20. I'm so hungry I can feel the hot coffee burn all the way down into my belly. #ugh

  21. I'm so tired I just want to sleep forever.

  22. I'm splitting my time b/t Ft. Mac & home for 30 days so no camp for me. That means I'm on borrowed Internet when I can get it.

  23. I'm starting a 30 Day fitness challenge on Sunday. Any tips or suggestions?

  24. I'm starting a new project tomorrow so I probably won't be tweeting as much. Need to use most of my free time on the project.

  25. I'm starting to think that the #1 trait of North American Caucasian women is life-long insecurity... or pretension.
