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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I want this jacket more than I can reasonably express. http://t.co/aeAkzSVk

  2. I'm joining the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada so I can stand in the freezing cold and take pictures of stars :) Good times.

  3. Unreal - 100 cats removed from Edmonton house http://t.co/5nPWxqTh

  4. Photo: gastrogirl: I bet this is delicious. http://t.co/TN0ZXa3J

  5. I added dark roast coffee to my pumpkin smoothie and it was fabulous. Tasted like a really health Pumpkin Spice Latte.

  6. 1 of the birds just came back after me cause i stopped to tweet my impending doom! Freaky birds.

  7. Star Wars exhibit this fall at Telus World of Science in Edmonton http://t.co/Bum2Il3x

  8. Photo: This is what my room is going to sort of look like when it’s finished. Except my room is tiny... http://t.co/91PduBDq

  9. Photo: I love this! This is a great Hallowe’en gift for an adult. I want to make one of these for myself for... http://t.co/1w1AnN74

  10. Fun little diddy. For some reason it reminds me of the band CKY when I listen to it. No Doubt - Settle Down: http://t.co/LjRtWvmR

  11. My friend killed a snowy owl on the highway today while driving to work. He feels sad about it :(

  12. How I'm spending my afternoon off. http://t.co/m3koYnzc

  13. Just realized I have an orange theme going on tonight. http://t.co/DxhGG4xj

  14. Photoset: My style. I love so much. So serene; so beautiful. I want a house like this. Perfect floors.... http://t.co/IjLwAjSx

  15. Storm brewing. Winds are wicked. http://t.co/2ou3Ysqd

  16. In 2012 it's not cool to brag you don't know how to use a computer. What it makes you is a burden, especially to co-workers.

  17. Photo: I’ve spoken about minimalism a lot on my blog over the years. I mention it because I’m going to my... http://t.co/7O0ifs0S

  18. Today my sister joined the future and got her first iPhone :) I just hope she doesn't become addicted.

  19. "Imagine if these zombies every got this excited about anything else like, maybe, something that would make the world a better place."

  20. 16 major mass shootings in the last 3 decades http://t.co/Rkl8IFYP

  21. today is one of those days. “@darrenrhill: @At0micDaisy there are too many things to make us sad some days”

  22. I remember this. She survived Columbine & VT shootings. Columbine, VT student: 'Normalcy never comes back': http://t.co/Uyak1gNG

  23. Disabled border collie ‘wakes up happy every day’ http://t.co/ZxKNwRMd via @bangordailynews

  24. Well this might put a cramp in my style... Mudslide closes Trans-Canada Highway near Banff http://t.co/V6DWwMGN
