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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I wanted to join dodgeball for the winter but they didn't add it to the fall/winter program.

  2. I was also watching live when 2nd tower was hit during 9/11, and space shuttle Columbia broke up during re-entry.

  3. I was asked in my analog life what my fav cartoon was growing up. The answer, of course, is Scooby Doo :)

  4. I was asked on tumblr how I focus on goals. http://t.co/kdukggvL

  5. I was away for a bit trying to decide if two blogs was worth the effort. http://t.co/IyLunsOa

  6. I was close! He's from the Lake District. I've been there. Pretty place.

  7. I was doing some more research on my Neutral Good alignment. I don't know whether I'm annoyed, resigned, or pleased that I always test grey.

  8. I will say @feenstuh that while I've been reading it; I've had a real jones to watch "Three Days of the Condor" again and again...

  9. I wish all men realized that honest confidence and the ability to be at ease truly help define success. http://t.co/dV28VwVNdm

  10. I wish I could see a city of men dressed s… http://t.co/8TF0YxLE

  11. I wish I had a cool surname like 'Grimstone'.

  12. I wish I was at home watching BBT w/the puppy. But I'm not. I'm up at camp listening to my bunkhouse neighbour snore :'( Every. Night.

  13. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning... I'm so sore from the gym last night but good news; it should be 27C today :)

  14. I woke up still feeling stuck in stuff despite my efforts to crawl back to minimalism. http://t.co/P0LoC33i

  15. I won't have much time to read and write tonight. If I head to Edmonton tomorrow; I'll have to be on the road by 5 AM-ish.

  16. I would have LOVED to have been a teenager from 1977-79. Alas, in 1979 I was 3 years old.

  17. I would like to meet another well-adjusted person who can say life is not perfect, but it's good, & their childhood was mostly warm & fuzzy.

  18. I'll never figure out why the hell people write fan fiction.

  19. I'm [re]starting my minimalist challenge tonight. http://t.co/zmP3kthK

  20. I'm about to eat apple crisp. It must be a few years since I've eaten apple pie. Just never on my radar.

  21. I'm at Long Lake Gym (Hwy 881, Anzac) http://4sq.com/gpb5iK

  22. I'm at Long Lake Gym (Hwy 881, Anzac) http://4sq.com/hW3PPb

  23. I'm at Long Lake Gym (Hwy 881, Anzac) http://4sq.com/kP1cUb

  24. I'm back home in Alberta. I've decided to do something completely different for November. http://t.co/dz53VX31

  25. I'm curious b/c some ppl seem to be under the impression that Angelina Jolie's chest is now a scarred mess. It's not, at all.
