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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. "So oft have I invoked thee for my muse, And found such fair assistance in my verse, As every alien pen..." http://t.co/0PEEJPQr

  2. maybe edmonton: An Open Letter to People Who Take Pictures of Food With Instagram. - maybeedmonton: No, what... http://t.co/keOPhwHx

  3. How smart am I? I'm walking thru a parking lot during a prairie thunder and lightning storms. Good times :)

  4. I also love German food as well.

  5. I won't have much time to read and write tonight. If I head to Edmonton tomorrow; I'll have to be on the road by 5 AM-ish.

  6. Laundry soap; some cost more than I make in an hour's work. Disappointing how expensive necessary things are becoming.

  7. Jamie Oliver's hat says Mos Eisley Port Authority: Tatooine. An English chef who's also a Star Wars fan is hard to beat.

  8. Two new grey nail polishes for fall. Fog by Sally Hanson & Suzi Takes the Wheel by OPI. http://t.co/4iswadAX

  9. Oh I killed a bat on the wknd :'( It hit the very top of my truck; might've stood a chance but then hit the roof rack.

  10. Photo: superseventies: Y’know… I’ve never had a bad time in Levi’s. Oh and btw; those sand-coloured ones are... http://t.co/5BzOZjFu

  11. The pear I have ripening on my desk is an D'Anjou. I don't know if that is good, bad, or indifferent.

  12. Apple's autocorrect makes me look like an imbecile :'(

  13. and in 2006 I switched to Mac and use Firefox & sometimes Safari or Chrome. So it didn't occur to me that IE still existed. #IthehorrorofIE6

  14. From what I've been told, it seems 100% likely my truck took a beating in the hailstorm. Apparently it's bad...

  15. Damage to my truck is not so bad. Hood is pockmarked but that's it. http://t.co/HreWkId8

  16. wow! “@feenstuh: Just your standard run-of-the-mill-melt-your-face-off-awesome :> http://t.co/0qbr3Hh9 #ARTHURADAMSRULZ

  17. Knitting the mock-up of my dad's sweater and designing my first scarf. Should be a fun night tho' the sweater instructions intimidate me.

  18. Just proves that secretly my boss listens to my nerd ramblings despite the eye rolling.

  19. Gas prices spike across Canada http://t.co/4t2EfobI

  20. Photo: Arthur Quiller-Couch, ed. 1919. The Oxford Book of English Verse: 1250–1900. Thomas Hood. 1798–1845... http://t.co/W8no6LKb

  21. C'monnnn! If you go back to the 70's with me, i promise we'll play dangerous outdoor games like lawn darts! It's good times :)

  22. Photo: This is what I would like to eat for lunch. Alas, given my current location (the deep woods), that... http://t.co/RAdm6pQj

  23. "You missed the best Christmas movie of all; Die Hard." You know damn right! It's also a tradition of mine to watch Die Hard 1 & 2 at Xmas.
