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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Watching Sandy, Ignoring Climate Change http://t.co/GIpJKEDM via @NewYorker

  2. Question: If NYC starts to flood wouldn't that bring all the sewers/tunnel rats out onto the streets and into buildings?

  3. I can't believe that ppl are complaining that #walkingdead returned to the Andrea/Michonne storyline. How is that a bad thing?!

  4. “No one can really feel at home in the modern world and judge the nature of its problems-- and the possib…” http://t.co/flF2BTqt

  5. Well I guess today is don't fuck with Rick Grimes day. #walkingdead #holyintensebatman

  6. I'm sick with the flu. It started last night. http://t.co/BFIU82gA

  7. I didn't know about the earthquake :( I hope everyone is alright at home.

  8. I think the sweater in this picture would look nice as a real thing. I would like a foxy sweater. http://t.co/hXe7IqQD

  9. Sometime I think I should just get a degree in Math just to say that I can do math & that my lack of skill in math won't be a dirty secret.

  10. Dear men; you don't have to get snotty just b/c some women like drinking stouts. They're not trying to "out man" you. They just taste good.

  11. Only 5 more days until I can go home and visit my family :)

  12. Ben Affleck as well. He's really gotten more good looking as he's gotten older AND rocks a beard. Much better than his Goodwill Hunting days

  13. Y'know... Jake Gyllenhaal has really grown up to be a very handsome man AND he really rocks a beard. Good stuff!

  14. After a 1.5 hr workout, I am spent. I am so tired I no motivation to anything except sleep.

  15. Is a woman selling a camera. Guess who gets to be respected & keep their dignity? 2/2 http://t.co/384VoOjF

  16. I really like comic above because it seems true of what I see online. http://t.co/lmLVWDzC

  17. SoOoOo guess how awesome I am? I came into work on my day off because I forgot it was my day off :) b/c I'm an idiot :):):)

  18. What does it mean if your toothpaste suddenly tastes like marzipan? :(

  19. I really enjoy learning Spanish. It's 100x more fun then learning French.

  20. Tim Hawkinson - Mobius Ship (2011) http://t.co/1zVrJkcM

  21. "I cry b/c other ppl are stupid and that makes me sad."

  22. A serious amount of veg on my sandwich. Delicious. \m/ http://t.co/n5nlzhao

  23. Though I still prefer the old translucent material Apple used on stuff like the G4 cube.
