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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I read this on @wilw's blog and loved it, "Haters can put on a red shirt and beam down with the bridge crew."

  2. I realized I can go across Canada & get schnackered on really great beer. 7000-ish km is a loOoOong way to travel.

  3. I really enjoy learning Spanish. It's 100x more fun then learning French.

  4. I really hope they find these two sicks bastards. Hunt intensifies for 2 men in case of chained teen http://t.co/Nw59B2ga

  5. I really like comic above because it seems true of what I see online. http://t.co/lmLVWDzC

  6. I really like this. Beautiful autumn palette without being too warm. I think this is just great. http://t.co/sIWO2nqR

  7. I really love this pic of Julie Christie & Warren Beatty. It sums up what a 1970s couple looked like. http://t.co/e8QpfBuFkM

  8. I received a letter from my insurance company today. They've raised my insurance rate about $600/yr. http://t.co/77e8GaX9

  9. I remember the 1st time I played Pac-Man (owned mini-arcade), as well 1st times playing Atari 2600 (Jungle Hunt) & Commodore 64 (Frogger).

  10. I remember the dark days of 1997 when Apple almost disappeared. Apple now most valuable public company ever http://t.co/3cdhVeM0

  11. I remember this clip of Jon Stewart re: 9/11. http://t.co/elkG9td8

  12. I remember this. She survived Columbine & VT shootings. Columbine, VT student: 'Normalcy never comes back': http://t.co/Uyak1gNG

  13. I said now twice in one sentence. I'm annoyed. I need to go make tea and avoid deleting previous tweet.

  14. I saw a video of an American grocery store and it was carpeted. That's just crazy.

  15. I see from @theMapleTap that it's Emily Carr's birthday. She was such an amazing artist.

  16. I see my hoe-train of spambots has been deleted.

  17. I see the American media is doing what it does best since 9/11: picking thru the bones & eagerly taking a death count.

  18. I should go pay my student loan today b/c it's 10C & sunny and there could be a snowstorm tomorrow. Probably not worth the risk.

  19. I should make a "nothing pumpkin" tumblr just to be contrary b/c the whole "everything pumpkin" trend is stupid.

  20. I sincerely want to know how anyone could like "Love Story". It truly is an awe-ful movies with some of the worst dialogue ever.

  21. I sketched out a England in general but more London specific reading list. Will post on blog tomorrow. It's quirky alright... very me.

  22. I solved my rubik's cube, again. Took forever. http://t.co/R7eO0l2W

  23. I sort-of designed my own scarf so I'm going to buy the yarn for it when I go to Edmonton on Saturday.

  24. I spent 9 hours in the gym this week so I'm going to stay in bed all weekend. Seems fair. Good night gentle nerdlings.
