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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Lunch will be carrot-apple-ginger-lemon-cucumber juice.

  2. Coconut key lime smoothie for breakfast. http://t.co/2EgUc7je

  3. Naturally, and rather obviously, I've decided to change my eating habits to fit with my (re)evolving minimali… http://t.co/SR19rrqb

  4. FYI: coconut milk does not taste good in coffee but is a passable substitute for milk at bare minimum.

  5. It's only 10:08 AM and I feel like I've already had a full day and it's been all positive... so far. http://t.co/PlxSZ6To

  6. Really sleepy. Good night, gentle nerdlings.

  7. That's it, I'm done for the day. This is the cutest thing I've seen all year. http://t.co/8KKWTEKI

  8. Had Homer Simpson moment and went "mmm! Marshmellows!" Then I remember my no sugar campaign. Nothing but regret & gooey marshmallow fluff.

  9. There is plenty of stupid in this article. Divided States of America: Obama win sparks secession mania http://t.co/ClAeuBwI

  10. Actor who plays Merle on #TheWalkingDead is utterly creepy & thoroughly believable.

  11. I've decided on the Ikea, Besta storage combination featured in the image above (except in white). http://t.co/1Vdcd5XX

  12. 'Barbaric' wolf cull angers B.C. animal rights groups http://t.co/xtKTSuQk

  13. I added comments to my blog using Disqus. I've never used it before so hopefully it will be a useful feature.

  14. The photo above of the bedroom is ideally what I'm looking to achieve with my own room... http://t.co/4VqXTAME

  15. Just finished watching Day of the Jackal while I worked (perk of the job). It was pretty damn good. Long though.

  16. Pet peeve: Bloggers who write negative posts JUST to receive critical comments then play the "everyone is so mean to me" card.

  17. My office is full of books. That means I've failed my first attempt to rid myself of at least some of my book… http://t.co/v27Q9CMk

  18. Donated 4 bags of stuff to the Sally Ann . Minimalist challenge is exceeding expectations

  19. How did my minimalist challenge go today? It went very well except I struggled with getting rid of books. I r… http://t.co/Z0MrxfR5

  20. Wow; Frost/Nixon is compelling. I am completely sucked in.

  21. "Pole Position by Atari! It will bust your crank and leave skid marks on your soul!" *air guitar*

  22. Last night was an important albeit small victory for myself and my minimalist challenge. http://t.co/gOgV0vqU
