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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Too bad he won't find the end of a noose. U.S. fugitive child molester arrested in Montreal http://t.co/I6mt2l8i

  2. Guess it's better than having a screw loose. 'Faster than light' measurement blamed on loose cable http://t.co/BHhETc7b

  3. "Why are republicans either crazy, war mongers, pedophiles, adulterers, crooks, religious nuts?....the US is in trouble!"

  4. Now that men are obsessed w/their phones, one doesn't hear the old bromides about women spending all day talking on their phones.


    #Canucks beat the #RedWings ending their 23 home game winning streak! wh00!

  6. Blackberry-vanilla tea in my pretty Spring mug. http://t.co/lrmHsKdv

  7. I haven't been to pub since 2009. The only place I ever go is the gym. That's a little bit sad...

  8. Photo: Oh, how much I wanted to do this today. I also would have made time for a bit of knitting, and much... http://t.co/tzO4RcEk

  9. "You are now In London, that great sea, whose ebb and flow At once is deaf and loud, and on the shore..." http://t.co/b1wkNIEm

  10. "Kent, Sir- everybody knows Kent- Apples, cherries, hops and women." - Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers,... http://t.co/fSAuxXEf

  11. Photo: › Emily Dickinson, “Ghosts” http://t.co/IgfynJ8p

  12. Just completed a run playing #zombiesrun: collected 21 supplies http://t.co/VpBLRUun

  13. Video: Benedict Cumberbatch performed in a radio series called Cabin Pressure. Long story short; in the... http://t.co/wPwzIVpo

  14. Photoset: Painting: Applicants for Admission to a Casual Ward by Luke Fildes (1874) London by William Blake http://t.co/TReqqiK5

  15. Photoset: From London: The Biography, by Peter Ackroyd: http://t.co/7yXQ7cCn

  16. I'm lying in bed tweeting how tired I am. I could just go to sleep like a normal person but noOoOo... I have to nerd up bedtime.

  17. Interesting that the modern world seems so difficult to live in despite our best inventions.

  18. Just read Debbie Bliss Spr/Sum 2012. It's full of beautiful patterns!
