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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I have a raging fever :'( Only 1 hour then I can go back to camp and sleep.

  2. I have an astronomy question re: black holes. Where can I go for an answer?

  3. I have an idea inspired by a Twitter convo with @Futterwackan. I'll figure it out and post it on my blog.

  4. I have an utterly geeky & not entirely healthy fondness for yellow and green highlighters.

  5. I have more work to do today than Carter's got liver pills. It'd be a wonder if I get it done by 5 PM.

  6. I have never seen the Godfather trilogy #ApocalypseConfessions

  7. I have no problem (w/reservations) re: coach's challenge in NHL. It works successfully in the NFL.

  8. I have not dyed/coloured an easter egg since I was in Brownies in 1982. I think I will dye some this year. #random

  9. I have spent the past 1.5 days with a raging fever and season 1 of the Gilmore Girls.

  10. I have to fly back to camp now :'( Next year I'll work on taking more time off.

  11. I have to go away now. Twitter is on steroids and links way too interesting. I could die here clicking on them. #toocoolforschool

  12. I have to go into work on my day off but I'm not doing it until after the #Canucks game tonight. I've decided and that's that.

  13. I have to sleep now. The magical green fairy #nyquil has kicked in. Remember, if a crane falls in NYC, Piers Morgan gets a woody.

  14. I haven't been to pub since 2009. The only place I ever go is the gym. That's a little bit sad...

  15. I haven't heard this song before but I like it. The Chords - Sh Boom: http://t.co/D3MVK5Fw

  16. I haven't spent a dime since Dec 9. That is interesting to me.

  17. I haven't watched ST:TOS in probably 15 years or so. I found this podcast so now I've got a hankerin' http://t.co/OU39JeMw

  18. I hope everyone is okay re: #earthquake off Vancouver Island.

  19. I hope he's right! Ontario man says he's cracked WW II carrier pigeon code http://t.co/jvspP4eF

  20. I hope the #Canucks win this game just to spite the refs. This game is complete BS with the amount of penalty calls.

  21. I joined Twitter in November 2007 and only have 12.6 K tweets.

  22. I just ate 2 chocolate cupcakes w/mini reese's PB cups melted inside. Delicious but really sweet. Interesting experience but will not repeat

  23. I just ate a scone for breakfast and I am stuffed. Bread is just too filling. I think I'll stick my usual protein-centric breakfasts.

  24. I just downloaded the best of the Doobie Brothers. It's going to be a good morning :)

  25. I just finished a 0.03 km run with Nike+ GPS. #nikeplus #makeitcount
