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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. "Gangbang Interviews" and "Bikini Shots": Silicon Valley’s Brogrammer Problem http://t.co/jOTGkq71 via @motherjones

  2. "Hunger Games" was interesting. Predictable but I was entertained enough to want to see the sequel.

  3. "I assure you, only the world's least-interesting men read Maxim." #truestory

  4. "I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones." -- John Cage

  5. "I cry b/c other ppl are stupid and that makes me sad."

  6. "I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by loving..." Anais Nin

  7. "I'm living on the air in Cincinnatiiii; Cincinnati WKRP..."

  8. "i’m honestly starting to think television is the kryptonite that keeps us all from being our own Superman."

  9. "If you can risk getting lost somewhere along the day you might stumble upon openings that link you to your depths."

  10. "Imagine if these zombies every got this excited about anything else like, maybe, something that would make the world a better place."

  11. "In 2010, over 60 per cent of Canadians who had been smokers had quit."

  12. "It is the inalienable right of every man, woman and child to wear khaki."

  13. "Kent, Sir- everybody knows Kent- Apples, cherries, hops and women." - Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers,... http://t.co/fSAuxXEf

  14. "Monsieur! He is a Labrador (Retriever). He likes everything!"

  15. "other eras basked in the Renaissance, Golden Age, Belle Epoque, we're lucky enough to have TV sched that boasts America's Next Top Model"

  16. "Our homes are the still point in a spinning world... http://t.co/tCm2ZyvR

  17. "Pole Position by Atari! It will bust your crank and leave skid marks on your soul!" *air guitar*

  18. "research suggests divorce rate is higher because we mask our natural smell..."

  19. "Science will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into skyscrapers." I agree.

  20. "So oft have I invoked thee for my muse, And found such fair assistance in my verse, As every alien pen..." http://t.co/0PEEJPQr

  21. "Sonja uses longer words than 91% of ppl; words with more syllables than 96% of ppl; more advanced words than 88% of ppl." #truestory

  22. "The Atom and The Flash" -- Atomic Age DC Comics. http://t.co/TLIZKuNl

  23. "The greatest hoax of the last couple of decades has been the ability of the right wing to co-opt..." http://t.co/vexPNcuH

  24. "the only desirable things in the world... old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to converse with, old books to read" - Alfonso

  25. "Tho' veiled amid these misty showers of grey, Fuji is lovelier still--unseen today." - Basho
