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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I enjoyed all the Dr. Who theme songs except the one from 1987, it wasn't very good, at all.

  2. I feel like death warmed over, this morning. I predict by the end of the day I'm going to feel even worse.

  3. I feel like I'm in the Germs stage of my "Guns, Germs, Steel" evolution.

  4. I feel so frumpy and out-of-sorts today. I wish I could just go back to bed.

  5. I feel that it's no longer proper to breathe oxygen, as it's stealing all the hard work done by plants and trees.

  6. I felt good during my workout. I didn't feel dizzy or tired while running even with the lower carbs and no sugar.

  7. I figure as long as I can successfully work the clutch in my car tomorrow, i will be alright, ankle be damned.

  8. I found a really cool literature blog this afternoon. If you like books, check it out http://t.co/BxwkhLSD13

  9. I found a recipe for spaghetti-O jello. I'm so going to make it :D

  10. I found the rumoured Gosling's Black Seal Rum. There will be Dark 'n' Stormies for the weekend! http://instagr.am/p/INSRf/

  11. I give you A Movie List for Good Health of the Soul and the Imagination - http://t.co/0tRxZrHV You're welcome :)

  12. I got 'Undead'. Figures :P RT @codinghorror oooh my geek sign is Ninja/Samurai, this MUST be correct http://goo.gl/yqS0t (via @lizardbill)

  13. I guess I forgot to show my fellow geeks this @wilw toy I found. http://t.co/cTkLo789

  14. I guess it should be That's ENTertainment Cinemas. #MiddleEarthMall

  15. I guess the Flash debuted in the mid-1930's. I was close (1940). It makes sense; he's such a great, old-timey character.

  16. I guess this is day 9 (?) sugar, grain, legume free etc. I feel great. Results better than expected. I figured by day 9 I'd curse my life.

  17. I had to watch paint dry while listening to the #Canucks game just to make it seem more exciting. Nashville plays a boring brand of hockey.

  18. I hate April Fool's day. I can't wait for this day to be over.

  19. I hate people. Battered, kicked and stabbed, the desperate plight of Britain's last circus elephant http://bit.ly/fUK8UV

  20. I hate the word "nosh" almost as much as I hate the word "bubble", or else "yummy" when not describing food or drink.

  21. I have 4.5 blissful hours to study and read as much as I can so enough twittering about. Space is awesome, read the link I just tweeted.

  22. I have a 3.5 ft stack of personal papers so I have to go buy a shredder. That's insane.

  23. I have a bottle of Young's Double Chocolate Stout and a backlog of reading for tonight. This makes me happy :)

  24. I have a brilliant idea. Now I need to write it down before I forget.

  25. I have a headache from huffing my perfumes. I had to give up for the night and drink some tea.
