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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Rug and underlay ripped up and nail-boards removed. Tough going but worth it. Time to relax :)

  2. Oh that fight between Amy and Bernadette is classic. I had to pause the episode b/c I was laughing so hard.

  3. Good news; hardwood floors. Bad news; covered in paint splashes. Apparently someone thought they weren't worth a damn.

  4. So I'm not angry about the lockout and I can't wait for #NHL hockey to return. I miss my @VanCanucks.

  5. My favourite photo of myself. Grade 2 pic so that was Oct 1983. http://t.co/6EsqowTT

  6. Time to stop decluttering & make some dinner of chicken & sweet potato fries.

  7. I ate some organic popcorn. Does that count as a grain?

  8. Being up in a remote camp, I had forgotten what lightning-fast internet access was like. My mind was just blown. Wow! #rly

  9. Be still my preppy lovin' heart! http://t.co/JYgkrk3t

  10. "I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by loving..." Anais Nin

  11. "Does what is praised become better?" Marcus Aurelius

  12. Ever notice it's the Yanks are most excited about the Royals even tho' they aren't of the Commonwealth & kicked the Brits off their land?

  13. I guess this is day 9 (?) sugar, grain, legume free etc. I feel great. Results better than expected. I figured by day 9 I'd curse my life.

  14. Old lady in next bunk watches soaps. Heard theme song to Days of Our Lives & flashbacked to the '80's. It was not cool. At all.

  15. It won't be enough. She'll find a way to kill someone. 'Sociopathic' animal killer to be released on probation http://t.co/vHBJnJ0J

  16. If the point of an anchor is to sink then why are there pics of anchors with phrase "refuse to sink" on them? Am I missing something?

  17. Another photo of a snowy Dec 1. http://t.co/fxXT9BKf

  18. My roommate's cat, Bean, does this to me when I'm trying to sleep. http://t.co/3D1mJdbD

  19. Lunch; maple ham and side of pineapple sprinkled w/shredded coconut. http://t.co/9ZXyakS1

  20. Perhaps I can convince my mom to make me some Chocolate chunk {paleo} cookies when I go visit at Yule. http://t.co/NuNvBwKq

  21. 6 days sugar, grain, legume free resulting in 3 lb weight loss. Dinner was maple ham, salad, and skim milk. 2 days off were relaxing.

  22. Banana and 2 cans of low-sodium V8 juice for lunch. Not a bad compromise considering my juicer is in my office and... I'm not.

  23. Video: “The Great Radish Famine” (by HensonCompany) http://t.co/4NZZJrXw

  24. Wembley Fraggle is so adorable :)

  25. 5 days no sugar, grains etc. Dinner tonight was pork tenderloin, salad, spaghetti squash, and fresh pineapple & red grapes for dessert.
