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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I completed writing up my NYResolution for 2013. I'm excited about it but also see the potential for it becoming annoying.

  2. I think I came up with a simple and new way to train for my 5K that will help make sure my shin splints don't return.

  3. "It is the inalienable right of every man, woman and child to wear khaki."

  4. Writing out my new year's resolution in detail.

  5. Neil Macdonald: The right to work for less http://t.co/ZTeEwKJP

  6. Impressed with Man of Steel trailer (at least, cautiously). I hope the CGI doesn't ruin a good character-based story.

  7. sagansense: The History of Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla was born on July 10th 1856, in the territory of modern d… http://t.co/WRYLUf3S

  8. I was doing some more research on my Neutral Good alignment. I don't know whether I'm annoyed, resigned, or pleased that I always test grey.

  9. Toronto Ikea monkey a social media sensation http://t.co/qhJYVnR2

  10. I'm so tired I just want to sleep forever.

  11. Bought a bear at Ikea. I named him Henrik (Sedin) after my favourite hickey player.

  12. The day I see green grass again I'm selling my truck. It's failed me for the last time.

  13. All I have left in the world (at least at home). Next, I'll get my stuff my parents' house. http://t.co/ydKW3gaE

  14. So I need to get the last coat of paint on. Not sure if I should listen to audiobook or put episode of Sherlock on in the background.

  15. Shower, fuel + oil change for Mary Anning, dump and donation runs done. Gettin' down to the wire.

  16. Oh and 2nd coat of paint of course.

  17. Whyyyyyyy does Sherlock have to be on hiatus for sooooo long?!!!!!! Suuuuuuuuuckssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I did well with my minimalist challenge. I got rid of 97% or so of my stuff excluding books which was around 60%. Not bad.

  19. This is the wood floor I discovered after pulling up the carpet. http://t.co/e5qwiqn1

  20. Making a huge mess scanning 5 yrs worth of personal papers. http://t.co/p7D65m2N

  21. I have a 3.5 ft stack of personal papers so I have to go buy a shredder. That's insane.

  22. Minimalism is a wonderful way of life but not at the expense of me being sad I gave away all my books. Somethings just have to stay.

  23. When I was a kid I had to leave for school at 7:30 AM. What time to kids go to school these days?

  24. Anyways, that's all boring info for you. Guess I'll clean the kitchen then go to sleep. Have a 5:00 AM wake-up. Lots to do including paint.

  25. Okay, I've got 3 hours of effort left in me tonight before I call it. Tomorrow will be the biggest, busiest day so far.
