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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. That moment when you're enjoying what you're reading but sadly realize you're just too tired to concentrate any longer. #bittersweet

  2. My boss is being weird today. I don't think he's sat down for more than 5 min. Don't know where he keeps disappearing to.

  3. Right now I'm listening to the @retroist podcast on The Last Starfighter. A movie which I have not seen but is on my list.

  4. I have 4.5 blissful hours to study and read as much as I can so enough twittering about. Space is awesome, read the link I just tweeted.

  5. Neil Macdonald: Death and delusion in a nation of assault rifles http://t.co/gpmkjOqg

  6. Good night gentle nerdlings :) I get 1 more hour of uninterrupted studying before lights out. 0500 hrs is a cruel mistress.

  7. I <3 iPhone's timer app. I use it all the time. Commence 2 hrs of uninterrupted studying.

  8. "Gangbang Interviews" and "Bikini Shots": Silicon Valley’s Brogrammer Problem http://t.co/jOTGkq71 via @motherjones

  9. It's 6:15 am & morning pages are written. Time to wander out in the freezing cold and get to work. Had an awesome thinking night yesterday.

  10. Is having a desktop pc still worthwhile?

  11. Because clearly the difference b/t Star Trek & Star Wars; lightsabers ;)

  12. How can anyone not like pineapple or mandarin oranges? I say it's impossible.

  13. I haven't spent a dime since Dec 9. That is interesting to me.

  14. I can't remember the last time Chilliwack had a white Christmas. I'll guess 1985.

  15. I'm sad for the parents who's children won't be coming home tonight from school. I don't think many of us can imagine their grief.

  16. The low-glycemic diet beat even low-carb diets. Interesting stuff.

  17. 8 more days until I go home for Xmas vacation :) Can't wait!

  18. This is Henrik. I got him at IKEA last weekend. He makes my camp room more friendly. http://t.co/ey80IyTX

  19. I'm so hungry I can feel the hot coffee burn all the way down into my belly. #ugh

  20. Pineapple is just so delicious.

  21. I guess the Flash debuted in the mid-1930's. I was close (1940). It makes sense; he's such a great, old-timey character.

  22. The Decades That Invented the Future, Part 8: 1971-1980 | Gadget Lab | http://t.co/VzOZIU3V http://t.co/0ia44QcD
