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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Just saw the footage re: retro air Jordans. Dear 99%; this is why you'll always be the 99%... Because you're suckers.

  2. .@cthulhuchick an in 1 of those galaxies a young man is on his way to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters.

  3. Coffee, Cookies, Canucks, Christmas. So far not too shabby. Too bad about loss to Flames tonight.

  4. "Tho' veiled amid these misty showers of grey, Fuji is lovelier still--unseen today." - Basho

  5. A little Dr. Who, a bit Lovecraft, a smidgen of Austen, & some owly goodness = awesome gifts!

  6. New-to-me word; costermonger. Oh, Dickens, you make me learn.

  7. Who will have the prettiest camp room? This girl :)

  8. Beware: 2012 is the year of the dragon and I'm a dragon. Muhahaha... meh.

  9. Xmas was great but relieved it's over. Too much sugar and rich food. Back to normal clean eating tomorrow :) it was worth it tho'.

  10. Today is my MacBook Pro's 5th 'birthday' :) It's been an awesome computer.

  11. Dear spammer; I'm proud my MacBook pro is vintage If I wanted a new one I'd go buy one. SoOo I'm good thanks...

  12. Tsunami debris already arriving, B.C. mayor says http://t.co/6xOwFIqM

  13. Wow! That was something alright. “@cwgabriel: Holy Shit you guys have to read this: http://t.co/vFG9k95y”

  14. I said now twice in one sentence. I'm annoyed. I need to go make tea and avoid deleting previous tweet.

  15. I'm not sure how I feel... I'm using the latest Safari browser and well, I kinda dig it.

  16. Time to catch a plane, fight the hoarde, sing and cry, "Valhalla I am coming!"

  17. Have to walk onto the plane in the pouring rain :( sux... but decided on audiobook for plane; "The Disappearing Spoon" by Sam Kean.

  18. Landed in Edmonton. Now for the 4 hour drive back to Fort McMurray. Will caffeinate sufficiently.

  19. In camp. Going to sleep now.

  20. First it's backing out of Kyoto and now "Canada won't try again for Security Council seat." Very interesting. http://t.co/evUWd8PH

  21. Came back to work and need to work an emerg 12 hour shift. I'll be here til midnight. Good times.

  22. John Shorthouse said "another day, another interpretation (of O Canada)". That was very diplomatic of him.

  23. Perfect :) RT @nerdist If transferring from GoDaddy, we have 10% off deal for Nerdist listeners/followers at http://t.co/2jZE4bmX! #NOPA

  24. Alright! 2:59 AM finally done work. Going back to camp now to sleep.

  25. Beautiful :) but that moons of Saturn image gave me chills. RT @NASA_SDO ... Best Space and Astronomy Images of 2011! http://t.co/A70QKTGa
