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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Mom took me to see "Gremlins" in 1984. Watched it again tonight & she still wasn't very impressed. However, she loved "A Christmas Story" :)

  2. Wow! Good thing I'm not home in Alberta right now! http://t.co/XGmZuFo8

  3. Unreal *LOL* “@TheMattFowler: Never touch your pets again! http://t.co/4rnoJTEM”

  4. Surprise... Surprise... “@CBCNews: Montreal deacon charged in child porn bust http://t.co/ypRc92CR”

  5. So the choice has been made. We are watching "A Christmas Story". Retro goodness :)

  6. Home for another green Xmas; a Chilliwack tradition since 1988.

  7. Things I love: Alberta

  8. At the airport :) Now the marathon 6 hours of Fun With Airports.

  9. Gathering for shortbread & hot chocolate would've been more fun “Ppl gather in Mayan heartland for supposed apocalypse http://t.co/C8bAA3bI”

  10. Because I've been living in camps for 6 yrs, I'm the only woman you'll probably meet that can pack for a week long trip in 5 minutes flat.

  11. I have never seen the Godfather trilogy #ApocalypseConfessions

  12. I want a Gummy Bear Chandelier. http://t.co/oyl2LYPt

  13. 4 more hours then I'm officially on Christmas holidays! wh00!

  14. Quite the sunrise this morning. http://t.co/vEqF9htm

  15. Oh! today is my last day at work :) Home for the holidays tomorrow.

  16. We had a huge Xmas dinner tonight at camp. I'm so full of prime rib & Yorkshire pudding I can't even stand it. Meh.

  17. Why, when I forget what I'm going to google, I pick up my Rubik's cube? It's not a magic 8-ball; it doesn't -know-.

  18. BBC News - Has World War II carrier pigeon message been cracked? http://t.co/WXp7XouU

  19. Pink Floyd this morning was good stuff. Going to listen to John Fogerty's The Long Road Home now.

  20. Classic Commercial Jingles 50's 60's: http://t.co/ylpBMkP5

  21. Trying to decide if I'm going to watch a movie tonight.

  22. I hope he's right! Ontario man says he's cracked WW II carrier pigeon code http://t.co/jvspP4eF

  23. When most of N. America is going to have a green Xmas, when do we change the design of our holiday season to reflect climate change.

  24. The Body Shop's Shot of Absinthe http://t.co/7BoIcLS6

  25. Wow. Great article. I would've preferred it more steampunk tho' ;) RT @GreatDismal @bruces Like we said http://t.co/s1kEleUX
