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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Christopher Hitchens is one of my favourite authors. I'm truly sad that he died :'(

  2. I agree w/making NHL rinks bigger but am not crazy about reinstating the red line. http://t.co/QVMlJVEx


    #thatssomethingalright RT @aots Watch @nerdist in Sniper's "All I Want For Xmas" music video: http://t.co/1J29VK1w


  4. Going to Staples. I love the smell of new notebooks in the morning.

  5. wh00! Nice goal kid! :D

  6. Oh, Burrows :) I'm fond of you as well.

  7. Sleep. Still no answer to my black hole/dark matter/expanding universe question. Some day.

  8. Photoset: zoomar: A Cthulhu christmas tree! OH-EM-GEE!! I love it! http://t.co/UYB1qTZZ

  9. 10 months since I quit smoking. My lungs greatly appreciate my efforts as does my bank account.

  10. I picked my first geeky giveaway project. I'll probably start working on it right after Christmas.

  11. Must be true. I believe it. “@Kaelestes: Candy Corn + Empty Stomach = Instantaneous Death”

  12. Photo: *sigh* 1 more day until I see my puppy. http://t.co/1BntmHoc

  13. Photo: I would love to have this t-shirt @nerdist is wearing but alas… that shade of blue does nothing for... http://t.co/8UoGiBb7

  14. The guy installing the printer works for Xerox. I've never met anyone that works for Xerox before. It's almost old school.

  15. Unbelievable. It's December in Fort Mac and we're expecting RAIN showers tonight. Rain?! Usually it's -30C.

  16. And the 99% make the 1% even richer... “@RayDillon:... New 32-Inch Full HD 1080p LED LCD HDTV w/ Internet. $399! http://t.co/NEFXJZSD"

  17. Guess who's going to be home in BC to watch the #Canucks game tomorrow night on TSN? This girl. That's right. Get to watch my team at home.

  18. Photo: Han Solo and the wookiee? Yes, please :) http://t.co/wr8lySjm

  19. Speaking of future cool; the whole scanning my boarding pass from my iPhone was a neat trick :) good stuff!

  20. Flight about to leave. Home sweet home :)

  21. It's just so much bad music and so many people.

  22. Was denied a permanent driver's license which means also denied health care. Made decision to move back to Alberta. They still <3 me.

  23. New mission this spring is to find a place to rent in Canmore, AB.
