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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Well enough of this nonsense ;) Good night, fellow nerdlings. I've been up since 4 AM and I am tired.

  2. I don't know who Matt Bomer is so I did a Google image search. Look at his photos and still don't know who Matt Bomer is.

  3. This song is the story of my life - The Idiot by Stan Rogers: http://t.co/bV7p9Jxt

  4. Reading summer issues of Martha Stewart when it's -30C outside is a little like reading Playboy (b/c of the fantastic articles, of course.)

  5. I own a truck. I tell 2 guys how to fix a problem w/their truck. They lie & tell me "they know that" when it's clear they don't.

  6. Finally on the plane headed to Ft. Mac. I left home 29 hours ago. Not impressed with westjet.

  7. When I think of the sea it's ghost stories, shipwrecks, & Cthulhu. Most ppl think sandy beaches & Mai Tai's. My imagination is twisted.

  8. Things I love: Canadian history.

  9. b/c airline had to put me up in a hotel, For the 1st time in 37 years, I have a legit reason to use all those hotel soaps.

  10. 1 hour flight delay results in an entire day of missed work. It's going to be a busy 2 end of month days when I get back to camp. #balls

  11. First flight back to Alberta already delayed one hour. It's going to be a long day.

  12. Finished watching Dr. Who Xmas special. Happy that the Doc has a companion more interesting than Amy Pond, of whom I wasn't really a fan.

  13. Christmas vacation is over :'( Tomorrow I fly back to Alberta for work.

  14. Randi Zuckerberg mocked for complaining about Facebook photo leak - Your Community http://t.co/M1ogV20j

  15. Photos of the World’s Oldest Living Things http://t.co/vgFjt69k via @SmithsonianMag

  16. I create complicated pswd involving hand gestures & finger acrobatics. Get back msg "pswd must contain at least 1 capital letter." *sigh*

  17. Past few days I indulged in sugary treats. I welcome my no sugar eating plan back with joy and relief.

  18. Re:"Haven" with all these murders, Haven is at risk for becoming the new Cabot Cove.

  19. Yeah... Watching TV shows on the new iPad is really great. So clear, sharp and vivid.

  20. Watching season 2 of "Haven" to break in my new iPad :) Should be a fun afternoon.

  21. This is my iPad. I've been waiting 1 hr 57 min to open it. Patience is a virtue. #nerdybutnice #nerdproblems http://t.co/wenStzDp

  22. Happy Christmas, everyone :)

  23. Sitting next to the Xmas tree making horror movie/book/podcast lists for 2013. My kind of warm and fuzzy :) http://t.co/a7q4CITW

  24. So if you have an article worth reading I'd like to read it.

  25. 2 Rochester-area firefighters shot dead in ambush http://t.co/TncrxjMg
