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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Shower then an hour of writing. It felt good to listen to a novel as audiobook and give my eyes a rest from reading the past two days.

  2. My parents gave me my 1st Lite-Brite, Pac-Man mini arcade, Alphie, took me to see Star Wars etc. They guaranteed I grew up into a nerd.

  3. A co-worker of mine died last night. He was 67 years old. His name was Steve and he liked pie and ice cream.

  4. I agree w/ @scalzi that Ready Player 1 is a "nerdgasm"; perhaps more so for us retro geeks. It's obvious tho' wonderful, heady nostalgia.

  5. I remember the 1st time I played Pac-Man (owned mini-arcade), as well 1st times playing Atari 2600 (Jungle Hunt) & Commodore 64 (Frogger).

  6. Where there's a will, there's a way. Finding solutions to odd problems is fun.

  7. Well my eyes are done for the night. Time to lay in the dark and listen to "Ready Player One" before sleep.

  8. simple things in life that make me happy. Now that the kitchen serves fresh pineapple I look forward to taking some for lunch every day.

  9. Pandemic! I want to play! (Table Top): http://t.co/IUKKN5MV

  10. I wanted to buy a comic from @comiXology but they only take credit cards. That's a deal breaker :'(

  11. I also still have "Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling to finish (read by @doctorow. A lot of reading and listening to be done this week.

  12. India rape victim's family remembers brave, studious woman http://t.co/uadW16Xo

  13. Oh I couldn't possibly design greeting cards; they'd end up all dark, twisted, full of nonsensical whimsy & smelling of salty seas and rum.

  14. A Transformative Year of Delight and Discovery http://t.co/0ZFE4nFL

  15. Maybe I'll even write my yearly "it's my dream in life to visit Antarctica" blog post. Then something will happen & take all my money.

  16. Going to sleep early. My eyes are tired from staring at screens all day. Good night gentle nerdlings :)

  17. "If you can risk getting lost somewhere along the day you might stumble upon openings that link you to your depths."

  18. If you can sing along to this song, I will be very impressed. It's difficult! Mari-Mac - Great Big Sea - http://t.co/t5HPZgLG

  19. On the list this year for me: P.E.I., New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.

  20. I'm willing to bet there will be good news re: #NHL lockout ending today.

  21. Weirdest Twitter moment 2012: seeing someone's national pride seriously questioned b/c they wouldn't retweet something relevant to Canada.

  22. Oh and I completed Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way". That was so much fun.

  23. A few of my favourite ocean/sea scents. http://t.co/P70AtEgs

  24. I have more work to do today than Carter's got liver pills. It'd be a wonder if I get it done by 5 PM.

  25. I'm with @ColinFBarnes means, like him, I'm going offline for the rest of the day. I have to get work finished if I want to relax tonight.
