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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Perfect combination like peanut butter chocolate :) RT @e_sophia The zombie choir was singing Metallica. #awesome

  2. Photo: Heh! Caption: I’m drinking a limited edition craft beer. I’m crafting an expensive hangover. :D http://t.co/K32Ljzwn

  3. Awkward glam shot of my nails. It's actually a really pretty grey/silver mix. http://t.co/qHYAp2lo

  4. Photo: Caption: All you need is love… and a dog. http://t.co/ngz1cPRf

  5. Way to go Nugent-Hopkins! Scored his 1st NHL goal in his 1st regular season game AND at home!

  6. Tart was alright. Spongy like cake & little pumpkin flavour but at least the pastry chef went easy on the pumpkin spice. Shows maturity.

  7. "Monsieur! He is a Labrador (Retriever). He likes everything!"

  8. Photo: An interesting photo. I’m not sure what kind of dogs those are in the back. http://t.co/fW36PmCL

  9. Photo: What an amazing photo. Absolutely gorgeous. http://t.co/9Ie8h6VI

  10. Time for bed but just a reminder that NaNoWriMo starts in 3 weeks. http://t.co/1eUgMG1K Good night!

  11. Photo: Caption: ’90s Nerd. 2011 Hipster. http://t.co/Zimfbu7p

  12. Spartan from Ontario vs. Royal Gala from British Columbia. http://t.co/3T9BGwQl

  13. I'm going to miss the #Canucks game on TSN :'( Have appoint w/personal trainer so will be at the gym. Sucks...

  14. .@waynestadler I'd like to put a snow fence around #Loseongo

  15. Photo: “Women never looked so beautiful as they did in the 70’s.” http://t.co/WzLRogoc

  16. This weekend's viewing pleasure. Only cost me $8! http://t.co/R2h3BfCS

  17. Photo: Bear cubs! How can something so deadly be so cute? http://t.co/2PnPLxoa

  18. Impressive. Most impressive. RT @thinkgeek Which drink will I have? The one that is a WATERFALL OF FIRE. http://t.co/Q9iiUi3v #sopretty

  19. I have a brilliant idea. Now I need to write it down before I forget.

  20. Photo: Lovely photograph of Angelina Jolie. http://t.co/9ywz6nnq

  21. Can't get on wireless so stuck using phone. This camp sucks.

  22. I have to go into work on my day off but I'm not doing it until after the #Canucks game tonight. I've decided and that's that.

  23. I know what I want for Yule but I think it's going to be really hard to find :'(

  24. Weird, short people look taller in photos but hockey players look smaller on TV. In person, suited up, hockey players are freakin' huge.

  25. "i’m honestly starting to think television is the kryptonite that keeps us all from being our own Superman."
