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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I came up with a small RPG concept :) Perhaps I should try and make it a real thing?

  2. I think my Data's Delta Quadrant Doppelbock was clever.

  3. This looks cool. Tornado Maker: Real Science, Real Learning by Outthink Inc. — Kickstarter http://t.co/g8j896bv

  4. Knitting tonight so I've dusted off "The Goonies" and "Back to the Future II." Tomorrow will probably be "E.T..." and "Stand By Me"

  5. Is it just my imagination or is the opening scene of "Captain America" an homage to "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"?

  6. If it gets any colder, I'm going to have to slice open a Tauntaun just to survive the rest of the day. -33C is not awesome.

  7. It's -32C w/the windchill. That was the coldest walk over to use the washroom, ever. My face is so sore from the cold.

  8. This weekend off is a mixed bag. For my knitting pleasure is "Captain America" and "Real Genius".

  9. Only -25C? My truck will 'so totally' start. http://t.co/oWiOlq80

  10. Nerdy deeds done dirt cheap \m/

  11. So I made a resolution to make sure I was more sane with my workout schedule and also to sleep more, which I started in Dec & is great!

  12. I enjoyed all the Dr. Who theme songs except the one from 1987, it wasn't very good, at all.

  13. I bought tis really nice backpack from Burton but they put their shitty logo on it so am removing it right now. http://t.co/196kOk0Y

  14. Don't normally post pics of my feet but my new running shoes are obnoxious!! http://t.co/bTjSWFTe

  15. Work's done, time to hit the gym. Start my revamped 5K running program today. Should be interesting.

  16. I haven't watched ST:TOS in probably 15 years or so. I found this podcast so now I've got a hankerin' http://t.co/OU39JeMw

  17. Today is a day for buying socks, underwear, soap, and toothpaste, renewing gym membership. Y'know stocking up in the basics.

  18. Went and picked up my truck :) Now I can get back to the gym tomorrow!

  19. To clarify I mean geeky and/or nerdy and/or scientists and/or mathematicians and/or coders etc. You get me.

  20. Tweets and blogging will be sparse the next few weeks due to being busy :) Truck will be back on the road in 48 hours so back to the gym.

  21. I think I've found my purpose in life :)

  22. Pro tip: If you're going to buy vehicle insurance, don't set your renew date for anytime during the holidays. It sucks.

  23. I made another movie list :) Still a work in progress but so far so good - A Movie List for Nerds and Beautiful Minds - http://t.co/te4iCtEC

  24. So good night gentle nerdlings. I shall attempt the politics of the unelected American president tomorrow. Now I only want for sleep.
