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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Everything I knit is geeky. I never seem to knit anything serious.

  2. I just got a "Twitter is over capacity screen" O_O! Haven't seen one of those in a year or so.

  3. Tim Connolly... didn't he used to play for the Flames?

  4. definition of impossible: finding a Canadian cookbook from the 1970's.

  5. Antarctica & disease? C'mon it couldn't be more tailored to me “@nerdbastards: Ronald Moore’s Newest Project ‘Helix' http://t.co/WORbV0oJ”

  6. I'm probably the only woman that doesn't like Tina Fey. She's just not my kind of funny.

  7. Found free comic titled "remind". Main character is named Sonja so I had check it out.

  8. 1st black female computer science PhD student at Univ. of Michigan http://t.co/hZxHmEMP via @theGrio

  9. The Virtue of Order: Become a Master of the Universe http://t.co/ZpmpZoXW via @artofmanliness

  10. Drive to gym + workout + drive back to camp = 3.5 hrs. I think I'm going to quit and go back to working out in camp gym. Tired of the drive.

  11. A comment thread full of funny and wit and no snark or trolls. A fun read re: jello salads http://t.co/nv42ELw7

  12. "Hunger Games" was interesting. Predictable but I was entertained enough to want to see the sequel.

  13. The dinner I planned for tonight didn't look right... that's why I don't like camp food. Remind me to go grocery shopping.

  14. I have an idea inspired by a Twitter convo with @Futterwackan. I'll figure it out and post it on my blog.

  15. Oh wow. Dark chocolate chai tea is pretty tasty. I was expecting a disaster on par with chocolate soda in the 80's.

  16. As an experiment I've stopped writing morning pages for 2 weeks. Want to see if they really make a difference.

  17. I take it from your silence, Twitter, that watching Battlestar Galactica is a bad idea.

  18. My mom made me paleo cookies and sent them up to me and DAMN they are delicious!

  19. Damn :( If I don't feel better in 2 hours there won't be any gym tonight. Just a mail run to the Greyhound. I don't know why I feel bad.

  20. The Cisco Kid by War would make a great song for a video game.

  21. I love listening to science audiobooks. It's one of my favourite hobbies.

  22. Saturday, January 19th I will be watching the @VanCanucks vs. the Anaheim Ducks. You will not stop me.

  23. You have to admit, there's nothing quite like a 1980's movie montage. They never get old.
