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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. I read this on @wilw's blog and loved it, "Haters can put on a red shirt and beam down with the bridge crew."

  2. 1 prob w/over-moderating comments; it ends up getting creepy. Disagree w/something & disappear forever or become a Stepford Wife of a sort.

  3. I will say @feenstuh that while I've been reading it; I've had a real jones to watch "Three Days of the Condor" again and again...

  4. Fair is fair. I prefer Chrome & Safari is overrated. RT @verkoren If internet browsers were modes of transportation http://t.co/WiheFkt

  5. Photo: I just think this dress is so wonderful. If I was the type of woman who wore dresses, this would be... http://tumblr.com/xfx3qjiabu

  6. Photo: My two favourite geeky men. This is a wonderful photo of Johnny Galecki and Jim Parsons. I know most... http://tumblr.com/xfx3qm1sai

  7. I think that workout just about killed me. Walking is going to be difficult tomorrow. *sigh*

  8. Good morning :D Walking OK this morning; just a bit of a zombie lurch. - "Michael Myers" - The Meteors http://t.co/Arq6PZg

  9. Ann Coulter Gets Owned by the @CBC http://t.co/211BODW

  10. I have to go away now. Twitter is on steroids and links way too interesting. I could die here clicking on them. #toocoolforschool

  11. I'm on Google+ and I'm a woman http://t.co/4v4VIak

  12. Photo: An oldie but a goodie. Caption: Cult of Done Manifesto http://tumblr.com/xfx3rjiknf

  13. Photo: A very cool Batman. xombiedirge: http://tumblr.com/xfx3rngpjx

  14. Photo: Angry Birds cakes! Now these I would eat because they make me happy :) http://tumblr.com/xfx3ruk1y8

  15. Today is not a good day to be out of bed :( I want to crawl back under my sheets and read books all day.

  16. Re: my last tweet - @frazzie confronts her Twitter haters http://t.co/3xLeWhs on why geeks spend money at Comic Con when economy in toilet.

  17. Video: “Black Rain is sourced from images collected by the twin satellite, solar mission, STEREO. Here we... http://tumblr.com/xfx3s4aw8s

  18. So yeah... gym time.

  19. thank-you @feenstuh for the Follow Friday :) I appreciate it. Oh... and I should've taken your advice re: hot chocolate.

  20. My Zombie Playlist is finally up! http://t.co/WS60yeo A luscious & vivacious mix of horrorbilly, rockabilly, punk, pop, metal and thrash.

  21. Photo: Auww… I LOL’d. This little poem is full of cute. http://tumblr.com/xfx3sp3b8f
