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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. wash legos and then put the jello in them and you have lego jello - Brilliant! via @pinterest http://t.co/vBpl6Xua

  2. I found a recipe for spaghetti-O jello. I'm so going to make it :D

  3. O Canada.... "The True North strong and freeze!"

  4. Naughty 50's music. Love it! Billy Ward and The Dominoes - Sixty Minute Man: http://t.co/qKZb38jG

  5. I stumbled upon one of the most spiteful ppl on Pinterest has almost 3000 followers. Never surprises me that the Internet rewards meanness.

  6. 10 PM so officially bed time. The rockabilly bangs debate will no doubt continue in my sleep. As of right now it's a go on the bangs.

  7. I haven't heard this song before but I like it. The Chords - Sh Boom: http://t.co/D3MVK5Fw

  8. Wonder Woman new 52 by *Takrezz http://t.co/eREGEV4H

  9. UmMmMm...! I think that "Movie 43" is a new cinematic low.

  10. But when your raised on Star Wars and Nestle's Quik you come away with a unique perspective about the world.

  11. My mom used to sing this to me :) : http://t.co/ts3VqjQC


    #hockeyisback indeed... Hopefully the #Canucks will work out their goalie issues. Good night.

  13. Retro Posters of Airline to Mars http://t.co/Cgpz0bBS

  14. "The Atom and The Flash" -- Atomic Age DC Comics. http://t.co/TLIZKuNl

  15. The Superhero Women cover by John Romita Sr. http://t.co/eyrkAie7

  16. Oh! and of course, #Canucks game tonight on HNIC but that's not until 8 PM. The longest 12 hour wait ever.

  17. Oh did I mention. Sleep and I are BFF's. Laterz!

  18. wh00! RT @Real_ESPNLeBrun: Edler deal in Vancouver: $30 M over 6 years

  19. Since the new year I've been waiting for something to spark my creativity. I think I've found it :)

  20. The only character on Arrow I haven't warmed up to is Laurel. So far she's been to "I like you. I hate you" wishy-washy.

  21. Okay, I enjoyed the pilot episode of 'Arrow' so I'm moving on to episode 2.

  22. One man's sky poop is another woman's money-flakes :P “@feenstuh: Oh, blessed snow. By blessed, I mean inconvenient sky poop; of course.”

  23. Well in my world it's hot chocolate o'clock served with a side of Warehouse 13.
