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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Last night stuffy nose & sneezing after workout. Today; sore throat. Getting sick for Christmas vacation. Check.

  2. Thoughts on my own personal style. Perhaps worth reading :) I think so. http://bit.ly/gwGlAI

  3. I figure as long as I can successfully work the clutch in my car tomorrow, i will be alright, ankle be damned.

  4. Figures Luongo would blow it for the Canucks.

  5. So The Great One, Wayne Gretzky is going to be 50 year old in 3 days. Tempus fugit... indeed.

  6. Makes one look like those fruit pickers from Montreal that live in BC during the summer. via @CanadaCool @strombo http://bit.ly/ei6qns

  7. They tax my pay, take payments Student Loan & want back taxes. Money, money money but no money for honey :'(

  8. Oh hai, Twitters!

  9. I am so tired. Goodnight sweet and lovely, fellow geeks. Time to curl up and defrag for the next 7.5 hours.

  10. Oh I'll be chuckling all night @Fluevog Can't believe a for profit company is to cheap to pay people to market their stuff. Volunteers? LOL

  11. I declare Coconut to be my favourite food.

  12. Telus had better give me an iPhone 4 or I'll snap. I've waited patiently for 3 yrs to get rid of this Piece of Shit Blackberry Pearl.

  13. I tried that and lo'! You were out of stock so I was denied a new phone. @TELUSsupport @TELUSSupport

  14. auww :) I will see her in 2.75 months.

  15. Damn :'( Sad to hear about Edler being out of the Canucks line up. No time to dwell as it's time to curl up and defrag for the night.

  16. I am going write for 4 hours straight tonight with 1 allotted supper break @ 7 pm.

  17. I wish I was at home watching BBT w/the puppy. But I'm not. I'm up at camp listening to my bunkhouse neighbour snore :'( Every. Night.

  18. Woman hung & burned dog for chewing her bible. Called it a devil dog. Oh South Carolina why am I'm not surprised... http://huff.to/fH8glm

  19. It's -38C this morning and that's not factoring in windchill. Still deciding whether to go into Fort Mac today considering...

  20. Inspired by Nature. By request, an expanded explanation of my personal colour palette w/pics http://bit.ly/gAbAIo

  21. the BIGGEST moose I've ever seen ran across the road in front of me today. She was monster.

  22. -34C outside & I'm listening to "Call of the Cthulhu" while guy in next bunk snores. "Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep..."

  23. Next round I'm planning to stay up at camp 10 weeks then go home to see my family for Easter.

  24. "Violets in retirement near its trail are touched in passing by the pheasant's tail." - Shushiki

  25. Leg day at the gym so I need to just lay down and geek out for awhile. Walking is too wobbly and stairs are an issue.
