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Everything posted by Sabir

  1. Sabir


    I admit, I got really excited when I saw there was a scent called Sleipnir. Maybe I was already predisposed to like this scent? At first sniff, there's something there that kind of reminds me of the smell of buttered popcorn. Not like cheap microwave popcorn, but the kind my friend used to make over the stove. Yeah, it's weird, and probably just me, but I had to mention it. Aside from that association, this scent is buttery, nutty onmonnom delicious! But it's not entirely foody. I think the hay kind of mellows it out, and as it dries the berries come out. I don't get a lot of honey from this, I think it's just kind of blending with the other scents giving Sleipnir an overall well rounded delicious feel. I love it!
  2. Sabir

    Fire, smoke and ash scents

    Oh gosh, thanks! I don't know if I would have found it on my own.
  3. Sabir

    Fire, smoke and ash scents

    That sounds bang on. I'm assuming it's LE?
  4. Sabir

    Fire, smoke and ash scents

    I adore the scent of woodsmoke. It's my favourite scent in the whole world! Can anyone give me recommendations for scents that would smell like campfires/woodsmoke. I've tried Rumpelstilzchen which was an abysmal failure since patchouli and vetiver do not play nice with my skin. A lot of the forest/smokey type blends seem to also include patchouli in them which is a no go for me, so please keep that in mind.
  5. Sabir

    Santo Domingo

    Got this as a frimp and I'm glad I did, because I don't think I would have tried it otherwise. I'm always leery of scents that contain undescribed florals. Santo Domingo is certainly exotic and sultry as the description says, but it's not overpowering or in your face about it. It's neither subtle nor obvious, just somewhere comfortably in the middle. On me it's kind of spicy, which I think is the bay rum. I don't get much of a floral note at all, it's more like a really subtle feeling of walking through a Caribbean village and having a hint of blossoms in the background. It's hard to describe. Nothing really jumps out, but I can feel it there in the background. Overall I'm really pleased with this scent, especially because I was so disappointed with Havana.
  6. Sabir

    Switch Witch Help

    ALL DA LINKS! BPAL Wish List Amazon Wish List Etsy Favourites Scentbase Pinterest Crafts My Artwork General SW information Stuff I would enjoy getting: - tea (preferably decaf or herbal) - music (mp3s or a burned CD) - crochet patterns - comics/graphic novels - necklaces or pendants - naturally formed crystals, minerals, rocks - socks - snacks - marzipan and dark chocolate = my kryptonite - gift cards Stuff I wouldn’t care for: - Towels/dish cloths (I seriously have enough to make a towel army) - Knitted/crochet items (except socks). I make my own and my house is overflowing already! - ebooks (nothing to read them on) - Plushies, dolls - Knick-nacks - fiction books not on any of my wish lists (I hate to say it, but I'm in a major backlog right now. Comics and non-fiction books excepted) Books Currently Reading: - Dracula - The Lord of the Rings (why do I always get stuck on the the Two Towers?) Favourite Books: - The Chronicles of Narnia - Fingersmith - The Last Unicorn Favourite Comics / Graphic Novels / Manga: - BB Wolf and the Three LPs - Blacksad - Card Captor Sakura - Lost Girls - Loveless - Hikaru no Go - Hyper Police - Hyperbole and a Half - Maus - Mouse Guard - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Books I'm looking for (see amazon wish list): I am seeking out of print Tokyopop publications of Card Captor Sakura! - Card Captor Sakura vols 3, 4, 5, 6 - Card Captor Sakura: Master of the Clow vol. 5 I do not expect anyone to find these, BUT if you happen to know a comic shop that's been around forever or deals with second hand books, it cant hurt to ask! I've also found many of these online. I HATE the translation for the reprint by Darkhorse, which is the current publication. It's got a girlie pink cover. Avoid it like the plague! Perfume You can see everything I've tried on my scent base profile. Generally speaking, I love foodie and woodsy scents. Very few florals make the cut. Top Ten Favourites: Phoenix in Spring Wolf Moon 11 Lemon Scented Sticky Bat Faunalia Halloween: Los Vegas Infernal Lover (non-musk) Lamb's Wool Dana O'Shee Kitsune-Tsuki Sleipnir Notes I love: almond, apple, carnation, cedar, cherry, cherry blossom, cinnamon, clove, coconut, cream, current, dandelion, fig, frankincense, green tea, hazelnut, hemlock, honey, lemon, mango, melon, myrrh, oak, orchid, peony, pine, plum, red musk, rum, sage, sassafras, smoke, snow, sugar, tonka, white sandalwood, white musk, white rose Notes that don't work on me: amber (hit or miss), dark musk, dragon's blood resin, jasmine, lavender, ginger, orange blossom, pumpkin, rose (except white), skin musk, vanilla (BPAL only)
  7. Sabir


    On me, Greed smells like I've been rolling around in a big pile of money. I get that metallic tang of coins and dusty/dirty scent of bills. Patchouli and I don't play nice, so maybe there's something funky going on with my skin chemistry. I kind of get that "earthy" background, but all I can think of when it's on me is money! I find the scent fairly overpowering. It's not something I like at all.
  8. Sabir


    When I feel like I need a little indulgence I put on Hellcat. It just swells with delicious notes and makes me feel like I'm wrapped up in all manner of comforting vices. It certainly starts out with a boozy bite, but this settles down as it dries. The scent is totally rich and buttery. The hazelnuts go well with the buttercream and honey mead, and the rum gives it a nice deep base. It's wickedly decadent, but very appealing when I'm in the right mood.
  9. Sabir


    I think this is one of my favorite scents! As it says in the description, Bastet is luxuriant and warm, soft but with a fiercely protective undercurrent. It's sexy, yet comfortably so in it's own way. It's regal, golden and feminine. On me this is mostly amber, warmed with saffron and rounded out with musk. Sometimes I can pick out a hint of the golden lotus. When the myrrh comes out, it blends into the background adding to the richness of the scent. I don't really get almond out of this blend at all, and I'm really surprised to see some people saying they get a cherry note out of this. I find Bastet doesn't have any foody qualities at all, though I can kind of understand describing it as "sweet" for some reason.
  10. Sabir


    Wow, lots of good suggestions! Thanks everyone! I think I will have to test the various Riders and see what else I can get my hands on. Anything with rose in it tends to be awful on me, which is why I haven't tried Whip.
  11. Sabir


    I hope I'm putting this in the right place. I thought about putting it in recommendations, but there's more too it than that. I love the smell of leather. I do some leather working and I'm getting very familiar with the feel and smell of leather. Naturally I'm looking for a scent that contains a leather note that I like, but it seems like no matter what I try, I can't pick out leather in any of the scents I've tried. Maybe it's faulty skin chemistry on my behalf? Maybe I've chosen scents where the leather note is being overpowered by something else? Or maybe, "leather" in perfume doesn't smell like what I think it should smell like? I'm not sure, so I thought I'd ask! I've tried: Dee, Dragon's Hide, Havana and Manhattan. I can't pick out leather in any of them. In Coyote, I can sort of pick out what I think is "doeskin." That's the closest I've come to finding a leather note. Thoughts?
  12. Sabir


    I love the idea of a leather and tobacco scent, which is why I was really disappointed that Havana doesn't work on me at all. Wet it smells like really strong cologne. As it dries I can pick out the date palm and maybe a bit of the tobacco, but it's not very strong considering the overall strength of this blend. I'm not entirely sure what snakeroot smells like, but I have a feeling it's that sort of bitter note I'm picking up. No leather on me at all. Overall I find Havana way too strong and sharp for me.
  13. Sabir

    Spicebush Swallowtail

    I immediately fell in love with Spicebush Swallowtail! It's brown sugar rounded out with sassafras and spiced with a bit of clove. It's sweet, but the brown sugar is nice and rich, which makes this more than just a sugary sweet scent. The spices are lovely and just seem to fill everything out. I can't help but think of this scent as playful, with just a hint of naughty spice laughing at you from the background.
  14. Sabir

    Priala, the Human Phoenix (2006)

    I can't decide if I really like this scent or not. It's very strong as many have noted and it lasts for quite a while. Myrrh seems to be very temperamental with my skin chemistry. Priala has a nice rich undertone that I really like, but something in the top notes feels like it's conflicting with that undertone and the two battle it out until it settles down a bit. After a while I do get that hint of smoke and the myrrhs blend together and this scent comes together as a whole. I don't get much cinnamon out of this blend at all. On a whole, it's rich with a bit of spice, but maybe a little too thick for my tastes. It certainly has a dark, smokey quality to it that I like however. I'm on the fence about this one.
  15. Sabir


    After looking at a few other reviews, I'm wondering if this is the same scent. *checks Imp* It says "Oblivion." Here goes nothing. Scanning some of the other reviews I see descriptions of notes like, wood, spice and masculine. I'm getting none of that. In fact, this smells kind of floral on me, and not a nice floral. It's like a sickly, trashy kind of floral that I'm not at all enjoying. There might be a smudge of woodsy-ness thrown in for good measure, but it does nothing to redeem this scent for me. It just conflicts with the smell of wet, mashed up flowers. Not for me. Sad to say.
  16. Sabir

    Dragon's Heart

    Dragon's Heart smelled absolutely vile on me wet. It was intense and overpowering. But as it dried it turned into this warm, rich scent that I absolutely love! I can't pick out the fig or black current, but the musks and dragon's blood combine really well leaving me with a smell of that makes me think of well worn wood and leather. The musks also seem to keep the dragon's blood in check and it doesn't go insanely floral on me in this blend. My friend described it as a feminine scent, though I'm not sure how she came to that conclusion. I wouldn't peg it as distinctly male or female even though does have a sensual tone to it. More than anything, it feels cozy and warm.
  17. Sabir

    Dragon's Hide

    I was excited to try this scent because I love the smell of leather. Unfortunately, as many other people here have mentioned, on me this scent goes crazy floral. I was hoping to smell like warm leather with a hint of smoke, but instead wound up smelling like a bouquet. I don't think Dragon's Blood plays nice with my skin. Although, I found Dragon's Heart on me smells pretty much like what I was hoping Dragon's Hide would smell like.
  18. Sabir

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    So far I've been ok with all the scents I've tried until I put on some Bewitched this morning. I was sneezing like crazy and got all snuffly. I'm trying to figure out what could be the note that is setting off my allergies because I'd like to stay away from it, but it's hard for me to tell. I might have to subject myself to it again, just to confirm it was the oil that set off my allergies. Has anyone else had a reaction with this scent?