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Everything posted by Sabir

  1. Sabir

    Dragon's Eye

    I was hesitant to try this seeing as how dragon's blood resin goes all flowery on me, but then seeing as how this is a floral mix, it kind of works to the blend's advantage. Lilac and lily of the valley are strong in this blend. It actually turns out to be a nice floral with the DBR giving it a nice robust scent. Not my taste however. 3/5
  2. Sabir


    Faunalia is one of my favourite scents. It smells like magic in a winter forest! The musk and plant notes mix together very well, creating a scent that's exciting and sexy. Others have compared this scent to Ivanushka and Coyote. Ivanushka is like a soft, cuddly puppy compared to Faunalia's wild, untamed wolf. A similar vein but different intensity. As for how "green" the scent is, I wouldn't rate it as very green at all. While there's a definite sense of forest, it's a dark starlit forest. I don't know why but I tend to think of Faunalia as a "purple" scent. Probably because it's so much more than just trees.
  3. Sabir

    The Last Unicorn

    "My great-grandmother said only that the unicorn had a good smell." I'm not sure what I was expecting The Last Unicorn to smell like, but this is an interesting take. My first thought on dry-down was "I smell old." Not an old lady kind of smell or anything like that, but literally like an ancient beast that has been in the forest for centuries. It's still magical, but you can feel the weathering of the centuries on her coat. That's what this smells like to me. There's no real strong note that pops out to me as I think this is blended really well, but I can pick out the white chocolate, coconut, and lettuce. The chocolate isn't sugary sweet or overpowering for those with concerns. This is a very interesting take on what she would actually smell like, but I'm not sure if it's something I would wear often. Excellent concept, but not a perfume for me.
  4. Sabir

    The Phoenix in Spring

    I adore the scent of cherry blossom so I took a leap and bought this unsniffed. It starts out very green. There's something to it that reminds me a bit of Amsterdam. I'm not a floral person, so I was worried when it started out on the flowery side. As it dries down the greens fade and the myrrh comes out. It's very soft and blends with the cherry blossom in a way that I am in love with! Overall, it's a very gentle scent evocative of cherry blossom trees and fresh growing green things with a light dusting of myrrh. It's just beautiful!
  5. Sabir

    The Dodo

    The Dodo is amazing! So far I'm impressed. It starts out pretty strong wet but it's fading slowly over the day. As it fades it kind of turns into a sweet, musky sandalwood. I can tell the red musk is there, but the other elements compliment it and make it something much more complex and interesting. It's faded quite a bit though, and I'd say it's a much stronger note while wet. The sandalwood and agarwood are really grounding. I love the Lab's white sandalwood note, and The Dodo doesn't disappoint. I think it comes out a lot more as it dries. The citrus, fruit, sugar/spice elements add a lightness to the scent. They sort of make it feel a bit playful and oddball (which I'd expect from the Mad Tea Party line). The Dodo has a quirky personality but I think it's fantastic!
  6. Sabir


    This scent is interesting. It's very green, but with dark edges. It's hard to place exactly what it smells like. I keep thinking I get whiffs of mint, lime or pine, but I sniff again and those notes are gone. Wolfsbane is a peculiar, green, woody scent with an undertone of something dark creeping up in the background.
  7. Sabir

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I have heard back from the lab, but I don't think there's an official stance on what exactly happened. There are certainly two different versions of TIL however. If you purchased TIL from the lab and have any concerns I would suggest contacting them. It may take a while for them to reply, so be patient.
  8. Sabir


    This scent is very intriguing. It's very different from pretty much every other BPAL oil I've tried. First off, I don't get any melon from this blend. It's rich, smoky and masculine, with the spice from the chilis. It's like cold iron meets hot wood and spice. The juniper is not overly strong or pine-ish,it just kind of hides out in the background giving the scent a woody undertone. Overall it's a beautiful blend, not something I would wear a lot, but definitely something I think I'll hang on to.
  9. Sabir

    The Infernal Lover

    So there are two versions of this blend. I'll review both here. Red Musk blend (redish colour): Very simple, as a lot of people have noted. I don't get much creaminess from this, just a soft kind of red musk, maybe a wisp of honey. I can't help but associate red musk with old, worn wood. It's a very warm, comforting kind of smell to me. It's not quite as sexy as I was hoping for. No Musk blend (clear or light gold colour): This smells absolutely divine in the bottle! I like to just open it an sniff it. It's this mouthwatering creamy, honey goodness! It's very sweet, but not sugary. This is fast becoming my go to "sexy" scent. Overall, I like both, but I think I actually like the no-musk version better. If you're wondering which one you have, it's easy to identify them by the oil colour and the smell (or absence) of the red musk. ETA: I think these oils have needed to sit for a bit before the awesome honey/sweet note really comes into it's own.
  10. Sabir


    I've been trying a range of pine/resin/forest type scents and very few work on me as a general rule. Lear is the exception to that rule. It's a beautiful cedar, but as many have mentioned, it's dry, not like fresh green cedar. There's something in this scent that really echos the scent of Manitoulin Island for me. Must be that dry, sandy, cedar smell with sage. The bay adds a little mystery to it. Overall the scent is masculine and reminds me of a relaxing, sacred place. For me it's a comfort scent, even though it's pretty strong and powerful.
  11. Sabir

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    "The Infernal Tease," I like it! The colourless or nearly colourless one is the Tease.
  12. Sabir


    v. 2010 I can't help but think "holiday candle" when I wear this. Of course, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I kind of like it, but maybe that's just me. The apple and spices are just yummy and reminiscent of fall. I suspect it's the creaminess with the slightest touch of ale that's making me think candle. If I really concentrate I can pick out those notes. Overall, this scent is delicious!
  13. Sabir

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    Sounds like a mistake to me, but I'm glad the Lab is correcting it by sending out new bottles. Is it safe to call this a different version of The Infernal Lover?
  14. Sabir

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    If you're experiencing the same thing, you should probably email the lab as well. I think they made a mistake, but it sounds like they are going to correct it, last I heard.
  15. Sabir

    A Howl In The Darkness

    I have to admit, this was the scent I was most excited for from the 2010 Weenies. I've been looking for wolfish type scents and this one doesn't disappoint. Wet I get a lot of mint and citrus, but it quiets down as it dries and the pine/juniper comes out. The most powerful element on me seems to be the musk however. It's a very furry, animalistic kind of musk too, but soft and warm. I think if I could tone it down just a little so it didn't overpower the other notes, this scent would be perfect. A Howl in the Darkness is this funny combination of warm musk and a cool forest at night, yet it's surprisingly light with a green feel to it. It's complex to say the least. If Wolf Moon 04 is a forest in December, this scent is wolves running through that same forest in October.
  16. Sabir

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    O.o New prototype? Naw, I'm not that lucky. But maybe something did get mislabeled. That would explain things.
  17. Sabir


    Holy amaretto batman! This scent is very boozy on me, but I kind of like it. The bite of booze keeps it from being overly sweet. I don't get much cherry, but then to my nose I find I distinguish between fruity cherry scents and the marzipan/almond/amaretto type of cherry that some people describe. This scent is all about the latter. All in all, fair throw and good lasting power. It's a little different than I thought it might be, but it's still yummy. I will be keeping this one around.
  18. Sabir

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    Huh, I should probably email the lab too, but I appreciate knowing what others are experiencing too. Like Tativa said, sometimes you order something and it doesn't work out, but this isn't a small variation. I ordered pizza and got breadsticks. huh?
  19. Sabir

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    There are two versions. I received a bottle from a swap and it was a honeyed cream scent, with the usual golden colored oil. The bottle I purchased from the Lab when the weenies were released is dark red oil, and smells like heavy red musk and honey. I have the same problem. My bottle of The Infernal Lover is lacking the red musk. I thought this morning when I tried it, maybe there was something wrong with skin chemistry etc, but after reading that this isn't specific to me, I'm really not happy that I ordered a red musk blend that doesn't seem to have any red musk in it! That's a rather extreme variation.
  20. Sabir

    The Infernal Lover

    This is a huge disappointment. I love red musk, so I thought this sounded divine. In the bottle it smells awesome, but on my skin all I get is sweet overpowering sugary honey. Hello, red musk? Are you in there? Somewhere?! Nope. Sugary sweet honey and baby powder.
  21. Sabir

    Black Forest

    Black Forest delivers pretty much what the description promises. It's like a dark, pine forest with a sense that something is lurking around the corner. Unfortunately, pine doesn't seem to get along with my skin too well. As it dries the musk becomes powdery and the pine goes all cheap cologne on me. The end result is, this is not for me, but I can see why someone else might like it.
  22. Sabir

    Strangler Fig

    This was very sweet and green on me, and didn't change much over the course of the day. I could swear there's a minty note swimming around in there, but maybe that's just me? Overall, moderate throw and good lasting power. I'm not in love, but it's interesting enough to keep the imp around.
  23. Sabir

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    I do like The Lion actually. It's a very "me" kind of scent. I'll have to look up those other ones though. They have me intrigued. Thanks!
  24. Sabir

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    I kind of want to take a stab at this, just to see what comes up. Ok, so I'm extremely introverted and when I do feel like social interaction, I'm very shy. I'm well grounded and loyal. I like to be there for my friends whenever I can. I'm intellectual. I hardly ever express excitement (or other emotions for that matter) outwardly It often amuses people greatly when I do express myself. I like to be organized, and I can focus on small details for hours and be happy while doing it. Other people have told me they think I am strong and courageous, but instead of owning that, I just sort of quietly tuck it away, along with all my other traits. On the downside, I'm very moody and hard to read.
  25. Sabir

    Wolf Moon 2004

    My only experience with this scent is from an obviously aged imp. I just wanted to throw that out there as I bet six years has done something to it's chemistry. I definitely get berries from this scent, especially on dry down, mixed with a really soft musk. There's something cold and wet and very snow-like poking it's head out, but it's not overly aquatic. It's very subtle, and the best I can describe it is that sticky kind of snow you get when the temperature warms up a bit in the winter, but not quite a thaw. It's a December kind of winter, where there's little patches of snow on the ground and the forest smells good because it's wet. There's no overpowering pine smell, just something that hints at forest in the winter. I get a bit of spice from this and I have a feeling age has turned it a bit into a "Christmas candle" smell. It's not entirely a bad thing, but I can't help but wonder if it was like this when it was fresher? Dry I get a berry/Christmas type candle smell that overpowers the original forest smell a bit. Overall, this scent is very soft and subdued. It's a forest in December with a hint of Christmas for good measure.