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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Spacekitty

  1. Spring cleaning! In October. :/

  2. Catalog/MLM/Direct sales consultant roll call. I'm thinkin' 'bout maybe organizing a little holiday expo and need some vendors. Maley? Amber? Cara?

  3. DAY Quil my ass. Took two when I got up this morning and I'm just now waking up. Wasted the entire day in a haze.

  4. Nuh-uh. Did Facebook really just clear out all my "likes" and shit? Stupid updates. GAH!

  5. "A movie ticket for a baby should be at least a thousand dollars." - A someecard "user card"Werd.

  6. What a beautiful autumn day!

  7. ¡Migraine! I was actually able to get ahead of it before it got insane. We didn't have anything but ibuprofen and out-of-date baby aspirin (just a month and a half - pfft). Since I already know ibuprofen does nothing for these headaches - and I was desperate - I tried the expired chewables. (6 of them.) Instant relief. Not total relief, but enough that I could be upright and have a conversation without wanting to puke. Fun story.

  8. Anyone need a crib/toddler bed? Barely used. White. Free. Comes with bumper and bedding. Just come and get it.

  9. Hi, guys. I like you. Yes, YOU. Happy Saturday! Check out that sunshine. <3

  10. Why do we have sirens going off??

  11. My 3 year old walks better in my heels than I do. smh

  12. "You're gonna beat my ass on the coarse? And Grizzly Adams had a beard! ... Grizzly Adams DID have a beard."

  13. Mathew and I were both thinking we'd honor Annette Funicello's death by watching some beach movies. But because we watch them so often it would just seem like any other day. We'll have to think of something else. :(

  14. Just read this in a review of Evil Dead: "Not everyone will want to spend money on a ticket to nausea..." LOL. I'm buying a bucket of popcorn just to have something to puke in.

  15. Thanks, Glee, for wrecking my favorite Queen song. -_-

  16. I. LOATHE. CAPTCHA. That is all.

  17. Well, whatdyaknow?! My school loan is now paid in full. Just in time to start paying Tillie's preschool tuition. :/

  18. My shoulder's out again so I'm icing. It's 3* outside. I might as well just go outside and make one-armed angels in the snow.

  19. <---Loves cats. Hates cat fur caught in eyelashes.

  20. Need lives, Candy Crush players. My iPod hates the app so I can't ask for them now. (Btw, I f i n a l l y made it past level 98. Worst level so far. Took me 12 days.)

  21. Candy Crushers! I need lives, please!!

  22. NEED MOM ADVICE! Tillie broke her toenail down about halfway. It's still attached, but barely. It's a little bloody, but after putting a bandage on it and giving her a little kid ibuprofen, she seems fine. The nurse line said to go in and have the doc remove it. Random mom groups on the internetz say it happens a lot, keep it clean and it'll grow out; no need to see a doc. One of my reasons for NOT wanting to take her is that her primary isn't available. Thoughts?

  23. Best. Christmas. Ever.

  24. Who's the big winner?!? I am! I won the national Popcorn Board's monthly "Kernel of the Month" drawing. I am now an honorary "Captain Kernel" (Which should be "Colonel Kernel", according to Mathew.) and was delivered a BIGass box of popcorn!!! I'm giddy. Math says this is my "leg lamp". It is and I don't care. I'm a weeeiner!!

  25. An Oddities "Holiday Bizarre" Christmas special?? Yes, please.
