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Posts posted by cherrycherry

  1. In examining and reporting these cases the witnesses averred that certain people, whom they called “materializing mediums,” had the strange physical gift that they could put forth from their bodies a viscous, gelatinous substance which appeared to differ from every known form of matter in that it could solidify and be used for material purposes, and yet could be reabsorbed, leaving absolutely no trace even upon the clothes which it had traversed in leaving the body.


    This substance was actually touched by some enterprising investigators, who reported that it was elastic and appeared to be sensitive, as though it was really an organic extrusion from the medium's body.


    —Arthur Conan Doyle, 1930


    A luminous, viscid blend of white amber, lemongrass, white oakmoss, and davana.


    This is everything I hoped for. I'm not the world's biggest fan of lemongrass but I knew Beth would do something beautiful with it, something magical to take the harsh edge away, and that's exactly what she's done. This is a bright, juicy lemongrass that is tempered by the white amber. It has a sharpness when wet that completely disappears on the drydown. When dry and settled on my skin, it turns into an ethereal citrus that is uplifting and moreish. I adore this.

  2. Boo was one of my very first BPAL loves and so I just about squealed when I saw this hair gloss was available. It doesn't disappoint at all. I have long, thick hair and this stuff tames it into submission and makes it smell exactly like sugared double cream. Sexy as hell and genuinely helpful at the same time. What's not to love?

  3. In the bottle, I am not at all keen on this. It's very harsh and lacks any sweetness. On my skin however, it is an entirely different blend and I adore it. On me, it smells exactly like the pumpkin spice syrup I always request in my lattes at our local coffee house. I get nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, ginger and I get syrup too. Glad I bought the hair gloss to compliment this blend as I'm sure they will be amazing together.

  4. I'm not sure I can add too much in terms of a review, but I'm going to try anyway :) The bottle I have is approximately 7 years old and in a cobalt bottle. The oil is dark and thick, leaving a slight stain on the skin but nothing unsightly or that can't be rubbed in. I get all the notes listed but the patch and the orange blossom are by far the loudest. The patchouli must be the same one in Snake Oil, because it reminds me of it a lot. I get the ginger far more on the drydown and it's subtle but warming. This is a sexy scent, not one of my top ten, but one I wear now and again when I fancy a change.

  5. This is a major hit for me. I was drawn to it because of the red musk (I loves me some red musk) and though I was curious how it would work with the other notes, it turns out I am not at all disappointed. I can totally understand the comparisons to Third Charm too. On me, it's like Third Charm with roses and vanilla.

  6. I've got all five pumpkins from the 2009 patch and usually, my go-to is pumpkin I and, on occasion, pumpkin V. Today, I decided to go for a different blend and picked this bottle up for the first time in maybe three years.




    Words cannot describe how delicious and beautiful this blend has become. It is spicy, foodie, sensual, warming, comforting, sexy... yeah, still not enough words and none of them quite do this perfume the justice it deserves.


    I want to be embalmed in this stuff when I die. Seeing stars!

  7. I've had a bottle of this tucked away for a long time and though I tried it when I first bought it, I didn't wear it much. I've had a craving for coconut perfume today, brought this little baby out and decided to give it another whirl. Well, I'm floored. I actually feel annoyed with myself for not giving this a more serious wear the first time around. I get all the notes but mainly in this order - coconut, milk, shea, water. These notes belong together and are completely sweet, calming and delightful. On the drydown, the coconut turns super-sweet on me and I get more of the milk/shea too. The water is faint in the background but very welcome all the same. This is gorgeous - 10/10.

  8. 2009 version : A calming floral snow note with some aquatic edge. Crisp and pretty.


    2013 version : The same as the other version only brighter and with more ozone, I think.


    I love any and all snow perfumes and this is one of the really good ones. Glad to have plenty as I like to slather!

  9. This is the first 13 I have ever bought. I cannot say no to anything with a coconut or a white chocolate note so this one was a must-have for me as soon as it went up.


    On me it is like a doughnut that has a white chocolate glaze and is rolled in toasted coconut and almonds. It is creamy and foody and totally comforting and delish. I get some dark, juicy fruits as well but mainly it is the nutty, chocolately baked goods on me and that is just fine! The 'leafy greens' I was worried about are completely absent. This is soft and sweet and decadent and I would have liked more than just this bottle. Wonderful blend.

  10. I wanted this one mainly based on the apple, malt chocolate and mint and it does not disappoint. Wet, it is like those alternatives to candy apples you see at fairgrounds, those green apples dipped in melted chocolate and sprinkles and then left to set. Both chocolate and apple notes are a huge win on me so I am loving this even before I skin-test it.


    Wet on my skin it remains an apple chocolate blend but I am also getting musk. Red musk, methinks. Then I get the smoke and I'm just in love.


    Drydown - apple musk with faint chocolate and smoke.


    Twenty minutes after drydown - smoky musk with apple sweetness.


    I love this. I really, really love it. :wub2:

  11. Testing the 2013 version - lab fresh.


    Oh. This is much nicer than I expected it to, despite the rave reviews that had already made me excited. Perfectly cool and sweet, this really is a wonderful snow blend. It positively glows on my skin and is gorgeous on my husband too. I don't get much pine. It seems to be mainly like some sort of fizzy, berry-laden snow cone flavouring syrup. Lovely.

  12. The currant is stronger than the plum on me but it's a surprisingly lovely note and I will definitely look out for more blends with it in the future. The snow is there too, crisp and clean, and so is the cardamom and the plum. It is a very purple scent and it makes me think of this little sweet shop near where I live called 'The Pink Flamingo'. It sells slushies in every colour of the rainbow and the purple one - the flavour escapes me at the moment - comes to mind instantly when I sniff the blend. Icy, fruity snow with a the smallest hint of spice. Very nice scent indeed though not my number one of all the snowballs. Blue Snowballs still holds that crown.

  13. The salted caramel note hits me first. It's gooey and rich and buttery. There is a tiny lick of the sea in there but the aquatic doesn't bother me too much. On my arm, the cookie note comes out to play and I'm huffing myself and thinking how perfect this is. The gourmand notes almost completely cover the aquatic note and really, it's all cookies and melted, salty caramel.
