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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by cherrycherry

  1. Aww, just sniffing this wet in the bottle is making me feel so sentimental. A very dear friend of mine, a man who is like a Father figure to me, makes the most amazing sugar cookies and this blend smells just like them. Oh my word.


    On my wrist, I start to get the spice a lot more and it's really delicious. Totally getting the cream cheese frosting too. I effing love Beth's foodie scents and this one is a real winner. It smells *exactly* like pumpkin spice cookies with frosting. So perfect. Hells yeah.

  2. So from the off, this is all patchouli and bourbon vanilla on me. I do get the goat's milk and honey but only on the drydown. The patch is very shouty, so it's a good job I like it.


    I have a feeling this is going to change one heck of a lot as it ages. Some patch blends start of being quite woody on me and this is one of those. The patch blends that start off that way are always entirely different after about a year has passed - they turn more sultry and sexy. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how this one matures. I think it's going to get better and better.


    This will make an excellent unisex scent. It has a masculine tone to it that I really like. Going to be slathering my husband in this fo sho.

  3. This is like a Beaver Moon scent attending a Halloween party in a pumpkin patch.


    I do not know how Beth gets her cheesecake note so perfect, but she nails it and with this blend, she's knocked it out of the park. We've got moist cupcake (how does one make a scent 'moist'?? I don't know, but this is), we've got cheesecake and we've got spicy pumpkin YES with a hint of carrot cake. It's creamy, it's warming, it's mouth-wateringly yummy.


    I am a real sucker for foodie scents and this has got to be one of the best. It really is fantastic and so perfect for this time of year. This would be good even for people who have tried pumpkin scents and not liked them all that much. The pumpkin is there, but it takes a back seat to the cheesecake and the spices and the cup-cakey awesomeness.


    Looks like I'll be ordering the bath oil to go with this when payday lands. Hey-ho, let's go!

  4. Candied apples (however they come, be it with caramel, chocolate, coconut, toffee, whatever) are my favourite autumnal treat. I love how they taste, how they look when displayed in a seasonal fruit bowl and how they smell. I love Beth's other candied apple scents (Creepy, Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple and Sugar Slathered Candied Apple) and so when I saw this as a single note, I couldn't add it to my basket quickly enough.


    I had some friends over for drinks last weekend and I made some salted caramel dipping sauce (served warm) to go with green apple slices. This blend is what that smelt like, sans salt. The apple isn't boominyourfaceapple, it's more subtle than that. It is not stronger than the 'candied' element. Both notes, if we can separate them for a moment, are equal to one another perfectly. 50% sugary-candy goodness and 50% sweet apple. I love the balance here because some apple blends can be all apple, all the time apple and this one is not. It's absolutely spot-on perfect and so evocative too. It is beautifully made, as always, and gourmand without being overpowering.


    It is actually rather elegant, in my opinion, and the most grown-up of all of Beth's candied apple blends.


    And now I need a toffee apple!

  5. I think that it's undeniable that Little Lady Macbeth is in the same scent family as Eat Me, but she's very different too.


    In the bottle, it smells sugary and I get all the honey cake. It's got a very nice bready note that reminds me of scones at high tea. The red currant isn't talking too loudly until we get to the drydown and then it's there, making polite conversation. Overall, I'd say this is all cake, scones and honey. It's not too sweet at all, more like a general bakery scent with a fruity undertone. I do like this a great deal, I have to say. It isn't what I expected but that doesn't mean I'm disappointed. No. I actually think this is way more sophisticated than I imagined it to be and possibly much more wearable too. I imagine that when this has aged, we're going to get a louder contribution from the red currant and that will enrich this blend and make it even more delicious.


    Very, very nice.

  6. This was the Lilith scent I was most excited about. Marshmallow has to be my absolute favourite perfume note of all time so if I see that Beth has included it in a blend, it always becomes an instant must-have for me. Marshmallow Poof is my all-time number one perfume because it is that pure, unadulterated sweet marshmallow perfection that I love.


    But anyway, I'm not here to talk about that blend. I'm here to talk about Sticky Eyeballs and Floppy Entrails. Awesome perfume name or what? Guh.


    So, in the bottle this is quite an intriguing little number. I get the clotted cream and pink jelly and there's a gummy-like fruitiness beneath it. Haribo-gummy-bears-fruity-wow.


    Wet on my wrist we get a welcome rush of marshmallow. The vanilla sweetness and the powdery softness... oh yes, this is what Momma likes. As we're drying down, suddenly the strawberry licorice decides to make an appearance and wow, is it ever delicious. You should see the orgasmic faces I'm pulling whilst I'm huffing at this scent. I think I must look deranged right now, not that I give an eff. I am having to seriously force myself to NOT LICK MY WRIST. I want to. I want to sooo badly, but I won't.


    I'll just inhale and... my eyes are rolling into the back of my head... exhale and... I'm inhaling again furiously and making googoo eyes at a 5ml bottle of perfume with an adorable label sticker... exhale and inhale... I'm freaking OUT over this blend. I want to propose to it. I want to elope with it. I think we may have found Marshmallow Poof's cheeky little sister. She's just as creamy, but she's bursting with pink gooey fruitiness and I can't even. I just can't cope with how seriously amazing this is.


    I need to lay down.

  7. This has got to be one of the best candy blends BPAL have ever made.


    No, seriously. I love me some candy blends (Jailbait, Marshmallow Poof, Velvet Unicorn and Blue Lollipops are among my very favourites) and this is a new insta-fave. I was a little bit scared of the mint when making my order but happily I only get the tiniest of all tiny hints when this is wet on my wrist and then it's gone by the drydown. Do not fear the crushed peppermint candy. It will not bite you! It's easily dismissed, in favour of the HELLOSTRAWBERRYCANDY pow. If you like candy scents, then you need to check this out. It's everything I hoped for.


    Mainly, this is a knockout punch of strawberry, sugary cotton candy and hyper vanilla. This stuff is so sweet it could cause cavities, but in this case that is no bad thing! This is the scent of sweet shops. Of childhood memories. Of My Little Pony - but without the plastic. There is no cloying element here, no 'oh no, a bit fake' letdown. It's all tasty, sugar-rush goodness. The scent is bright pink and it commands attention, but in a playful manner that will make you smile. It's well-rounded too, with a slightly juicy undertone to make the mouth water.


    Absolutely bloody gorgeous. 10/10.

  8. I've had this bottle for ages but only got around to reviewing it today. So here goes!


    First off, the label is totes adorbs. I love the font and the art they used for the 2006 Weenies and wish I'd been into BPAL at the time, so I could have bought everything. I love the little witch with her open spellbook and feline familiar on her shoulder - so cool.


    Wet on my skin, this is textbook BPAL pumpkin : warm, sweet and true. There is a distinct lack of spice which is actually no bad thing. I love ALL of Beth's pumpkin blends but do sometimes feel like wearing one that isn't so spicy. This one is more citrussy and fruity in general but with an incense note (the amber, I think) that emerges during the drydown.


    When it is completely dry, it is pumpkin-amber-orange on me and that is awesome. This is a beautiful perfume blend.

  9. A cooler coconut to that of Ivory Vulva, with warm saffron and sticky honey. This is going to age like a dream. One to put away for a few months, methinks. Beautiful though and one I am very glad to have bought unsniffed.

  10. Possibly the nicest coconut scent my nose has ever had the pleasure of meeting. This is so rich and creamy, I want to drink it. I get sweet marshmallow and buttery notes too, that blend unbelievably well with the coconut. Sublime.

  11. This smells like a thunderstorm in a bottle and I am madly in love. My husband's favourite BPAL is Lightning and though I know that one is meant to smell like a storm, I find that Luminous Phasmatis does the job even better. In fact, hubby is going to seriously love this so I'd better keep it hidden! Ha! It's very wet, like fresh rain, and there's lots of ozone and an almost citrussy undertone. I am so glad I bought this one. Plus, the label is fabulous!

  12. Straight-up coconut gingerbread with a hint of patchouli. This is one sexy gourmand treat! Unlike with some of the other gingerbread blends, this one doesn't bite me so I'm super pleased. I bet this is gonna age so well. Yummy.

  13. In certain cases, emotionally charged complexes of representation, which have become autonomous and dissociated, seem to automatically and compulsively press for discharge and realisation through haunting phenomena…. Hence, the so-called haunting occurs in place of a neurosis.


    —Albert von Schrenck-Notzing


    Repressed rage, terror, and subjugated sexuality erupting through fierce bursts of uncontrollable psychic phenomena: black leather and red musk with aged black patchouli, Chinese rose, black pepper, coconut meat, Haitian vetiver, and igneous red ginger.


    I bought this one because every single note appealed to me. I expected it to be dark and sexy and yeah - that's just what this is.

    Now, when I first opened it the leather note slapped me in the face and I was, for a brief moment, worried. The only other leather blend I can handle is Whip and I really have to be in the mood for it. I sniffed nervously and then skin-tested it on my wrist, hoping that the leather would calm down soon and let it's fellow notes have their say. I'm happy (and relieved) to report that as soon as the oil reached drydown, the leather was whispering instead of shouting and the red musk, patchouli and coconut were right where I needed them. I absolutely love red musk blends and this is no exception. Altogether, this blend is extremely dark and powerful but also sweet (the coconut) and very slightly spicy. This is the perfect unisex blend and so far, my favourite of the Spiritualism collection. I think that in a year's time, this is going to be one of the sexiest blends I own and will be reserved for extra special date nights and very private moments. Shadowy, hot and visceral. 10/10!

  14. A sugar-dusted pile of sufganiyot, trickling bright rivulets of strawberry jelly.

    This was the Yule I was most excited about trying and it does not disappoint in the least. This is sugary doughnuts filled with strawberry jam. It smells *exactly* like that. The sweetness lifts a great deal on the drydown and the throw is spectacular. The cakey note is just gorgeous and the strawberry is so perfect. So many strawberry scents out there are synthetic-smelling and in no way resemble that tart, red berry we all know and love but this note is absolutely spot-on. It's like someone took an actual strawberry and squeezed the juice into the bottle and then crammed in some doughnut and powdered sugar. I am definitely going to need more than one bottle of this. Fabulous.

    If you like Strawberry Moon '09 and Golettes, you will ADORE this. It is basically a lovechild of the two.

  15. Hot buttered rum with a touch of molasses, lightly spiced and swirled with a touch of cream.

    Oh WOW. This is incredible and in no way as boozy as I was expecting it to be. I mean, there is booze there but it's tempered perfectly by the cream and molasses and (very subtle) spice. The butteriness is also there and I might be wrong here, but I'm almost sure there's a note in this blend that might also be in Mother Shub's Pumpkin Pecan Treacle Tarts and I am guessing it's the treacle note. It has a sweet, nutty edge to it that is totally delicious. All of these notes marry perfectly and it has an evocative feel to it - even upon the first sniff I was thinking 'Christmas!'

    Absolutely divine!

  16. A thick, spongy white cake spiked with hard apple cider and frosted with whiskey-laden buttercream.

    Exactly what it promises - spicy apple cider, cakey goodness and whisky buttercream. The cider and whisky are quite potent when wet on the skin but on the drydown we get a rush of creamy sponge cake. I don't know if anyone else is going to pick up on this (my nose may be fooling me) but I get the tiniest hint of coconut too. This is no bad thing. This might be one of my favourite gourmand Yules ever. Absolutely delicious, has amazing throw and there is no doubt that this will age well. Lovely!


    Neglected by Her Lover She Seeks Comfort of a Fortune-Telling Device


    BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Nov. 20.— Mrs. Eugenia Carpenter, a young woman living at 221 Myrtle, av., has been receiving attention from a young man who very recently ceased to call upon her.

    Mrs. Carpenter bought a fortune-telling board called “ouija,” and from it received the prediction that her suitor would not return to her.


    Last night she was found wandering almost nude in the streets.


    Her reason was gone and at intervals she cried out “Ouija said so and I knew it was true.”


    November 21st 1891

    Boston Daily Globe


    Redwood and bois de rose with white lilac, dried pink roses, and black tea.


    Oooh, this is a very nice blend indeed. The redwood mingles effortlessly with the bois de rose and dried pink roses. The lilac is present but in no way overpowering. All of the florals together make for a gorgeously elegant and refined perfume. Makes me want to recline on a chaise lounge and fan myself with a peacock feather fan. Honourable mention for the black tea - just what this blend needs. The tea deepens the florals and adds mystery. This is going to age beautifully. 10/10
