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Posts posted by cherrycherry

  1. With all of the dead leaf scents, I always get the leaf as a top note. This time, I'm getting the blackberry. I didn't expect that. Certainly not complaining though, because this blackberry is sweet and dark and juicy in all the right ways. I get a sort of musky spiciness in there too, which balances everything out and rounds it off nicely. Great addition to the dead leaf collection.

  2. Oh my, this is a perfect pumpkin candyfloss scent. I'm a huge fan of all the 'pumpkin floss' scents the lab have gifted us with but somehow this one is the glistening tiara atop them all. I was expecting a more 'hard candy' scent, with that slightly burnt sugar note I always pick up on when I use the Spun Sugar Spectre bath oil, but it's all candyfloss all the time. No browned sugar, no real spice to speak of - just amber-coloured clouds of perfect pumpkin sugar. Glorious.

  3. This is such a soothing blend. To me, it's a sweet yellowy apple first of all and then the honey comes through when wet on my wrist. I don't get any of the crisp, sharp apple I'm used to from the lab. Instead, it's a softer, juicier apple that for some reason I am convinced is yellow in colour. Perfect autumnal scent - of course.

  4. 2009 version.


    A confession : I bought this purely because the label is adorable. I love skeletons and the little guy on this bottle is just the cutest!


    As for the scent - dry, yet creamy woods with a very subtle herbal undertone. Lovely.

  5. The butter and clove almost put me off this one but as I loved Movie Night's popcorn note and quite liked the mental image of popcorn with blood on it, I thought I'd throw caution to the wind and go for it.


    Well. Hello perfect popcorn scent! Without that jellybean note (not knocking Movie Night here at all, I adore it and use it whenever my husband and I go to the cinema) it becomes a really brilliant popcorn blend. The clove is very, very subtle and barely noticeable. I get a tiny bit of butter. The blood is more of a sweet syrup that blends in well with everything else. Great concept, great notes, great perfume.

  6. At the moment, this is a very nice red wine scent on me with only a hint of amber. I get the feeling that it's going to need some time for the amber to come out and say hello. As I happen to love wine scents, I'm fine with this. It's not overly boozy at all, it's mainly fruity and very red and sweet.

  7. This is a crazy blend. Since the package landed, I've picked it up several times and I swear that every time I take the lid off and sniff it, I get something different?! Sometimes it's lavender at the top with musky sweetness. Other times it's bubblegum at the top with gummi bears and a hint of lavender. Then there was just now when I got Snake Oil, then lavender, then bubblegum. This is like some sort of magical potion that keeps playing with my nose.


    One thing is for sure : I get all four notes. Beth's Snake Oil, Lilith's favourite lavender, the bubblegum and the gummi bears. And believe me when I say that they work very well together. I'm not sure HOW such notes can work so well together but they do and it's great.


    Mad genius scent. Love it.

  8. I blind bought two bottles of this unsniffed. Beth had me at cotton candy and marshmallows - two of my favourite notes - and the cream and sprinkles just tipped me over the edge. Also, the label. How adorable?!


    In the bottle it's quite faint but blatantly sweet. Wet on my wrist it's everything I hoped for all at once - fluffy marshmallows with their sugary exterior, blue cotton candy, decadent whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles. It's a highly superior candy perfume to anything I have ever smelt or worn before.


    Two bottles miiiiight not be enough.

  9. Years and years ago, when I first got into perfume in a serious way, I never would have ever believed that I would want to own or wear any sort of banana perfume. Splatter Comedy changed my mind about that and so did A Stroll Through The Quarter and Banana Cream Pie. Banana as a note is wonderfully sweet and playful and I really like it now. So there was no way I wasn't going to order The Twelth.


    Upon first sniff and first wear, I know it's going to be my new favourite banana blend. It's just beautiful and so yummy. Imagine a banana-flavoured ice cream cake and you've got it in one. Sponge cake, vanilla, cream and banana.



  10. Definite Earl Grey tea and cream as top notes for me. The cookies and their sugary sweetness come into play on the drydown. The bergamot from the tea brings some citrus freshness in there and altogether it really is a perfect and refined tea party scent. I absolutely love this.

  11. This is a complex one. The cocoa hits me first; rich and deep, and then the roses come out to sing. It's not overly floral, which is a relief. I get a little bit of cotton candy sweetness and also that creamy Oreo cookie filling. Oddly, I don't get any styrax or frankincense. On me, especially when dry, it's all rose petals with Oreos and clouds of candyfloss. Beautiful.

  12. Patchouli from the off and then some soft leather, vanilla and my favourite red musk. Actually makes me think of a darker older sister to Snake Oil. Not getting a great deal of hazelnut but that's alright. Love this just as it is and know already it will only get better as times goes on. As someone else mentioned, this one smells as though it's aged a little already. That's how well these notes marry. Very much like this one, especially as the drydown does most definitely give off some salted caramel vibes. Can see me wearing this one a lot throughout autumn!

  13. This is an olfactory rainbow of fruity hard candy goodness.


    I'm totally getting the Skittles vibe that others are getting but there's a fizziness in there too - like sherbert. All the fruits are there. I get the berries and the citrus and a real mouthwatering tang of sour candy. Even on the drydown, this is a delightful and happy-making jolt of fruity sweetness.



  14. This is an absolutely perfect coconut scent and exactly what I wanted it to be. It's a foodie coconut for definite, sweet and sugary.


    Reminds me of the pink and white slabs of Coconut Ice I buy every year when the fair comes to town.


    My favourite single note to date. Gorgeous.

  15. A BPAL marshmallow blend or even a single note will always be a guaranteed insta-buy for me. Marshmallow perfume is a sublime pleasure to wear because it's creamy, soft, sweet, comforting, cosy... I could go on. It is my number one favourite perfume note of all time. Yes, I am a HUGE fan of marshmallow!!


    We've had two glorious marshmallow blends from Beth as of late - Stekkjarstaur and Marshmallow Chick. Where Stekkjarstaur is wooly and cuddly, Marshmallow Chick is more sugary and sort of... pink. If Stekkjarstaur is a bag of floofy white marshmallows then Marshmallow Chick is a bag of pink marshmallows! I know that suggesting a colour when writing a perfume review isn't all that helpful, but that's how those two blends make me feel.


    What is most important is that Marshmallow Chick is a seriously good blend, if you are like me and are slutty for marshmallow notes. Do not miss out on this blend because it really is beautiful, it lasts for *ages* and the throw is brilliant.


    I love, love, love!!

  16. I almost passed on this one so I could get two bottles of Marshmallow Chick, but then my curiosity won out and it ended up in my basket. I'm seriously glad that it did because this is one lovely blend.


    It is candyish and because of the toothsome citrus notes, it does give off 'pastel' vibes. I get tangerine, lemon, lime... it's very sweet but not too sweet due to the zip! from the citrus. Pastel Basket Grass basically smells like a big bag of sour Skittles. And that ain't bad at all.


    *thumbs up*

  17. Who the hell doesn't go mad for Cadbury's Creme Eggs?? They are one of the nicest chocolate confections my country has to offer and there can be nothing sweeter or more enjoyable that eating one of these with a nice, strong cup of tea. Bliss!


    Melty Creme Egg smells *exactly* like it should... to such extents that I'm wondering who Beth sold her soul to in order to have such unbelievable perfume blending abilities. I make perfume myself but would have *no idea* how to create that delicious yellow and white fondant middle of a Creme Egg. The chocolate note is perfection as always but it's the fondant note that wins for me, mainly because of how unique and evocative it is.


    And now I medically need a Creme Egg and a cup of tea for reals.

  18. Beth's chocolate perfumes are the best chocolate perfumes in the world - just sayin'.


    With that in mind, I knew that Earless Chocolate Bunny would be killer. I bought it for that reason and for the fact that my husband and I have a silly in-joke about chocolate bunnies and so I couldn't miss the opportunity to both honour that and smell like chocolate.


    I do get a little bit of the tinfoil, but not much. On me, this is DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE HEAVEN. It has decent through and longevity too. Winning!

  19. So many notes of win. Oh my word, I can't even.


    The strawberry is very candyish - like strawberry Millions or Chewits. Sugar-strawberry-perfection. YAS.


    Then I'm getting the cherry blossom, the cream note and the vanilla. Sweetness beyond compare.


    The red musk is in there, but she's not going to serve her usual heart-stopping sensuality just yet, I don't think. She needs some time to settle in and marry with her sisters. When this blend has aged, I expect that the red musk will be deep and dark - toning down the brighter, pinker notes.


    All in all, a very delicious and toothsome scent.

  20. Hot damn, this is a winner on me.


    I bought it because I anticipated it to be a cousin to Dorian and though it kinda is, it's also radically different.


    The honey note is absolutely spot-on. So is the lime. I'm not getting too much lilac, to be honest. It is mainly a honey-lime musk that is sweet and enticing, as well as being very fresh and easy to wear. The main thing I'm excited about is how perfect the honey note is. I love honey perfumes and this one is very accurate. So much so, that I keep re-applying because I really cannot get enough.



  21. I blind bought this mainly because I felt like trying a new GC after years of sticking to my long-time favourites and also because I enjoyed the concept of a blood perfume.


    On me, the blend is mainly dragon's blood but with a kick of spicy clove. I get much more cherry on the drydown, but it's the dragon's blood note that sings the loudest by far.


    Very sultry and sexy. Love it.

  22. Ah, I really wish I had bought more than one bottle of this!


    I am a slut for marshmallow blends and this has to be one of Beth's best! It is quite literally the scent of fluffy, floofy marshmallows. It's practically a single-note blend on me and I just love it.


    Very sugary and creamy and utterly delightful. A brilliant candy blend. Insta-favourite! <3

  23. On me, this is a very dark and delicious floral. Rose can be a bit hit-and-miss on me, but in this blend it's very voluptuous and alluring. Not getting much vetivert, but I do get oodles of patchouli and honey - win!


    When I've been wearing The Balcony for over an hour, it is predominantly a patchouli and rose scent. It's divine and I keep huffing my wrist.


