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Posts posted by cherrycherry

  1. Sweet black cherries, candied and mouthwatering. The almond penetrates next but thankfully is gourmand rather than bitter. This reminds me of those little cherry bakewells you get, with the layer of jam between almond-sponge and pastry.


    It makes me want to make a pot of tea and eat tiny cakes with my lady-friends, pretending to be ladylike as we exchange salacious gossip. May need a back-up bottle of this baby.

  2. Definitely one of the darker Weenie scents for 2010. This the only one I was unsure about when making my order, but thankfully it is more than a winner. This is the first rum scent to work really well on me. The bay is evident. The musks seem to curl subtly around the edges of this blend, giving it weight and body. I can hardly wait to see what this blend will be like once it's aged some. Delicious!

  3. If you could put a cake in a buttery, warm pie it would smell like this. 'Cake-pie'. Makes no sense really, but that's just what it smells like to me!


    I don't usually have much of a sweet tooth, but with perfumes I cannot get enough of those luscious, gourmand fragrances. Huesos De Santo is a fine example of a wonderfully foodie scent and I can't stop sniffling at myself whenever I wear it. Gorgeous!

  4. Also reminds me of Pumpkin V from last year -- which I love, thankfully.


    The coffee note is very strong indeed so those who dislike or can't wear coffee, *most definitely* avoid this blend. The coffee is not subtle at all, it's a hit-the-back-of-your-nose-as-soon-as-you-take-a-sniff sort of note.


    Happily, it reminds me of sitting in my local coffee house with my girlfriends and husband, sipping on flavoured coffees and watching people go by outside the window. It's nice and warming for this time of year and the throw is wonderful.

  5. I hated this the first time I tried it. I remember recoiling, gagging quietly and making a face. That imp happened to be aged quite a lot, but just recently the lab sent me a fresh one as a frimp and WOW is it ever different!


    In the imp, I can smell spiced pumpkin. Wet on my skin, I can smell buttery spiced pumpkin with a side order of sweet peaches. This may actually be my new favourite GC blend. I medically need a 5ml bottle and SOON!

  6. Sweet, sorrowful, spooky...


    I do love Beth's spookier blends. They centre me and inspire me and I always seem to wear them when I'm writing. Haunted is no exception to this. When first smelling it in the bottle, it reminded me of cough medicine, the sort of thing you would give to a child because of its sweetness. But then the musks and amber started to lift and I found myself sat motionless with the bottle, consistantly inhaling, my eyelids heavy.


    Very nice.

  7. This is a mildly spiced, almost watery vanilla to me. I'm hoping it ages well and that the blend deepens because at the moment the throw is very light and the notes keep changing on my skin. Quite a curious one, but I do like it.

  8. Snow White picking roses in a snow-covered field. Sweet, almondy cream with snow and blooming flowers. Lovely.


    EDIT -- for some reason, this one ended up going sour on me after a few more wears. The sweetness and florals disappeared and I was left with burned play-doh and a stomachache. Swapped.


    EDITED AGAIN -- Gave this one a second chance by buying the '13 version. Hmm. We seem to be playing nicely together this time because the play-dough has gone and all I'm getting is rose and snow. Yes! I always wanted to love this one and I am so glad I can say that I do now :wub2:

  9. In the bottle -- clean and pretty. I can smell the blood orange and I *love* blood orange. Yummy.


    On my wrist -- Zombie Apocalypse is my favourite from this set, but J-Horror is a definite close second. Extremely pretty and feminine with an ethereal weirdness beneath. Very pleased that I decided to try this as it is blended incredibly well and smells amazing. Will be wearing this a lot, especially during summer.

  10. Like kissing someone you're crazy about, who has just eaten a toffee apple. Unusually sensual, extremely sweet and mouth-wateringly delicious. Makes me want to go to the hair and buy bags of candyfloss, toffee apples, nougat and cinder toffee. One of the nicest blends I've smelt yet -- and I want more!!

  11. How on earth have I lived without this blend?? It arrived this morning and I can't stop sniffing the bottle ^__^


    I get the sugar and marshmallow mostly; sweet and comforting. This is going to be a regular favourite, I can tell already. Yum.

  12. Mostly I get coffee and chocolate from this blend, or a least at first. Upon letting it settle, I find that the coffee amps a LOT and then is replaced with a warming pumpkin spice. It smells like pumpkin pie with ice cream and a latte on the side. Absolutely gorgeous!!

  13. Sweet, powdery violets with an underscore of lilacs. I can't pick up on the tuberose, but then the bottle I have is an an aged one... I like this. Sombre florals are definitely my sort of thing. Glad I bought a big bottle :)

  14. I've been craving to try some Yule scents since I got into BPAL and today I got my chance ^__^


    I have a real thing for snow, let me get that out of the way first. I love watching it fall, I love seeing the outside world blanketed by it and I love the scent of frost on the air. Frau Holle does this for me very well, with added florals and pine. Absoluely LOVELY.

  15. This is so well blended. The dragon's blood hits my nose first and then seems to subdue and become something lighter, more comforting, more... soothing? Anyway, the scent is one that I definitely enjoy and after wearing it for ten-fifteen minutes I can honestly say that already I feel more confident. Not in an arrogant way, of course, instead I feel calm inside and level-headed, ready for anything. I can see me wearing a lot of this and layering it with other scents. Lovely :)

  16. In the bottle -- to me, this scent smells exactly like homemade strawberry jam. The sort that my Mother-In-Law combines with double cream to fill her scones. It's making me salivate. Wow, om nom.


    On me -- I can really smell the sugar and combined with the ripe, juicy, salacious scent of the strawberries it makes for one sweet blend. As it happens I adore sweet blends and so I think this one is not only a definite keeper, but also I may need at least one more bottle. Gorgeous!

  17. This is the scent that taught me just how much I amp violets. As it happens I really do adore the scent of violets and so it's all in the good. Wings of Azrael is not violets alone on me, but I have to wait for it to dry before the other notes make themselves known. It has a sweet smokiness (rather sexy, not that I expected it) and a really deep, almost mournful undertone. It's gorgeous actually and I think I might be in love :)


    Also, the throw is absolutely astounding. I often find myself slathering BPAL on my wrists and throat because the scents fade rather quickly, but Wings of Azrael does not need constant re-application. It's not overpowering either. Instead it is subtle and sweet. I adore it!

  18. Luscious pink roses!


    I woke up with a craving for a beautiful rose perfume today, so I had a good look through my imp bag and pulled this one out first. Wow, is it ever beautiful. I love the soft femininity of rose perfumes and this one is no exception. Fragile, pure and comforting. A very beautiful scent.

  19. This was a frimp that I passed on to my husband. He likes it a lot and seems to think that it smells of oranges. I can detect a citrus note in there, but to me it is mostly pine, honey and something very clean and soapy. Delightful, but not my favourite scent on him.
