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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by cherrycherry

  1. Spilled absinthe, scorched sugar cubes, opium smoke, lilac blossoms, and rose water.

    Wet in the bottle, I get powdery roses and sugar. It's watery and a distant scent, one that requires me to concentrate. On my skin the roses bloom and then I get a lick of absinthe and incense. It's so subtle. Very much a winner and glad I got a 5ml.

  2. I can't believe I haven't reviewed this one yet - it's one of my favourites.


    The Madame is a go-to sexy scent for me. It's dark and delicious and heavy on the red musk. I absolutely adore red musk and amp it like woah. As much as I adore Snake Oil (and I do) this one for me is like Snake Oil plus - deeper and more sensual, not as heavy on the vanilla and it lasts a long longer on me. When the Carnaval finally leaves town, this will be the one I'll seriously grieve over. I have two bottles so far (one a year old, one fairly new) and I need moremoremore.

  3. I ordered a bottle of this unsniffed a few days ago (based on the reviews here) and then decided to go on a random hunt through my imps to see if I had some already. I was almost sure that I didn't, but lo and behold I found some right at the bottom of the bag.




    My first impression was 'incense' and I couldn't get the red musk. In fact, I still can't after two days of wearing it constantly. That's slightly disappointing because I am a red musk junkie and proud of it. But still - this is a soft and seductive blend, smoky and lustful and sweet all at the same time. I have a tendency to dab it on my wrists and sit there huffing until the drydown. I know my imp will be used up completely by the end of tomorrow (I simply cannot stop applying it) so by the time my bottle arrives I'll be absolutely over the moon. I bet this ages well too. Gorgeous.

  4. Sniffing it from the bottle, I find the carrot seed to be quite overwhelming and because of that, I was almost disappointed at first. As it dries down on my skin, the florals lift dramatically and the carrot seed completely disappears - thankfully! A keeper.

  5. It's a good job I love patchouli ;)


    This one was one of my early imp-to-bottle impulse buys, back when I got into BPAL about a year ago, and so now it has some age to it. The patchouli is a LOT more dominant than it used to be and the orange blossom has disappeared. This is almost a SN patchouli on me, save for a light sweetness that adds a touch more texture. Sadly, it doesn't really have me call to mind what a Masquerade ball would smell like - instead I get foresty feelings and a longing to burn joss sticks and sit meditating for hours. I'm going to keep my bottle but it's doubtful I'll replace it once it's empty.

  6. Warlike
    Dragon's blood resin, pimento berry, olive wood, rosemary, black cherry, persimmon, red musk, and red rose.

    Mmm, this is lovely. I get mostly black cherries, rose and red musk... and that's fine by me!

    It's a dark perfume that definitely changes during the drydown. The flowers lift and it becomes a throbbingly sensual blend. Nom.

  7. Before discovering BPAL, I would never have worn an apple perfume. I would have instantly screwed up my nose and gone 'ehhhh, no thanks' just at the thought of it. Blends like this one prove to me just how gorgeous apple perfumes can be. The apple blends seamlessly with the rosewood and the result during the drydown is a slightly sweetenend, woody, fruitful mix that has me closing my eyes and just slowly inhaling, totally beguiled. I don't think I'll need another bottle, but this one will certainly be treasured.

  8. Red Lantern 2011.


    This is one of my favourites of all the Lupers I've sat and tested my way through today. I can see me wearing this at any time of year, whether hot or cold, and finding comfort in its sweetness. The caramel reminds me of Bite Me (a blend I LOVE) and the coconut reminds me of Perversion. It's like Bite Me and Perversion had a sublimely erotic affair and their offspring is this - caramelcoconutHEAVEN.


    Just gorgeous. I need a million bottles.

  9. I mainly get the rose in the bottle, a watery rose that seems darker than usual.


    The rose remains dominant on my skin and I'm somewhat disappointed by that, because I was looking forward to the blood orange. I don't think it's going to be there for me :( Getting a touch of the myrrh and amber, but this is mainly just rose on me. It's weird because even though I do like it (I wish Peacock Queen had been THIS strong a rose) I'm still a bit let down. Hopefully this will intensify over time and the other notes will lift and become equal to the rose.

  10. Sugary cherry-almond tarts. I am SO pleased the almond works on me and doesn't morph to something icky - this is just so sweet and gourmand and beautiful. Makes me feel feminine and completely delicious.

  11. I adore lemon verbena, that's one of the main reasons why I bought Lolita when I first found the Lab. I bought Tea for the lemon verbena, darjeeling and honeycomb and was initially very worried about the star anise. I shouldn't have worried. This is like Lolita's older, wiser sister. There's playfulness there (what is it about lemon verbena blends that make me feel so naughty?) and also steady sweetness from the tea and honeycomb. The star anise is blissfully absent, when I used it.

  12. Now THIS is sexy. Out of all the Lupers I've tested so far today, this one has really grabbed me. I absolutely love red musk with a passion, I should probably point that out right now, and so this one is just perfect. I get the patchouli and florals also, especially in the drydown. This is going to become a staple in my scent wardrobe, I can tell already. Definitely need more of this. I bet it will age incredibly well.

  13. Wow, this not what I was expecting - the woods hit my nose first and rather sharp actually. There's something about it that reminds me of a cough syrup I had when I was a little girl. Thankfully, on my skin this blend works much better and the sharpness disappears during the drydown. The vanilla blooms then and I start huffing at my arm. This is actually very good... sweeter and sweeter, but still grounded by the wood notes. This is heavenly with my skin chemistry. Glad to have a bottle.

  14. I took a gamble with this one, as spices don't always work so well on me. It was the cream and honey that sold me in the end and man am I glad I took the plunge and ordered a 5ml bottle unsniffed. This is creamy and sexy. I imagine it will age beautifully. Yum. It's also very sweet and has wonderful through. May possibly need another bottle.

  15. A fresh and floral Midway. I'm so glad I bought a bottle of this when I did, but now I wish I'd picked up more! It's had the time to settle and is now probably one of my favourite BPAL blends of all time. Sugary, sweet, citrussy, it makes me think of looking up at the sky in the middle of the night. A very haunting and yet pleasing scent all round.

  16. This smells to me just like pumpkin-vanilla cupcakes. I can't believe I've had this little gem stashed away with my other imps for so long and not realised how delicious it is. Looks like a bottle is coming my way :)

  17. I can't believe I've never gotten round to reviewing this! Definitely one of my favourite sweet blends. It is soaringly pink and sugary - marshmallows, cherries and strawberries are all evident and delicious. I wish the staying power was better but overall I love Velvet Unicorn so much that I don't mind having to re-apply every so often. Absolutely gorgeous.
