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Everything posted by cherrycherry

  1. cherrycherry

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Does anyone have photos of the label art for Schrodinger's Cat? I've heard it's different to the GC labels and would really like to see
  2. cherrycherry

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    Yes, I found pain to be weird too. It chilled me, creeped me out. An uncomfortable scent that I would never wear, but am happy to have an imp of for the novelty value.
  3. cherrycherry

    The Ultimate Raspberry!

    I'd second Red Tide, but it certainly is boozy.
  4. cherrycherry

    Red Musk

    The Infernal Lover is my favourite red musk blend to date and I am planning on hoarding the stuff when I put my next order in in two weeks. There's something about it that is just magic on my skin. I was at work a few days ago and the deputy manager came over to explain something to me and instantly she said 'oh my god, you smell amazing! what is that?' Of course I told her what it was and dutifully supplied the BPAL website at once. Share the love! Also, The Grindhouse and Mme. Moriarty are pretty lush. My favourite will always be Infernal though, I bloody love the stuff ^__^
  5. cherrycherry

    The Knave of Hearts

    That is most certainly the exact same cake note that is found in Eat Me and I'm very pleased about it indeed. The roses are there on the drydown for me and it smells... oh, it's just totally sweet and juicy and lush. It makes my mouth water. It makes me want to homemake a blackcurrent cheesecake and eat it in a bath filled with milk and rose petals. This is going to be one of my new favourites. I want to smell like this all the time!
  6. cherrycherry


    Fluffy lavender marshmallows, pale purple and tossed in sugar. I've always relied upon Somnus to help me get to sleep on a night, but now I think TKO will be the one to sit on my bedside table. I am SO glad I took a risk on this as I was unsure. Sometimes lavender can ruin a blend for me as I seem to amp it like woah. This one has a more subtle whiff of lavender and it's the sweetness that dominates. Will most certainly need a bottle of this in my scent wardrobe at all times now.
  7. cherrycherry

    Blood Moon 2010

    This is even nicer than I hoped it would be. The musks are soft and sexy. There is a cologne note and I can get the flowers too, I just can't seem to get the cinnamon. Looking forward to trying this in a couple of months time, when the blend has had the chance to settle. Also, label art is to die for!
  8. cherrycherry

    Lilith's Tea Party

    Wet, juicy strawberries. Mmm... this is like a *much* sweeter version of Teatime in Roswell, which I also love. Is this the same strawberry note in Strawberry Moon '09? I think it might be and SM'09 is one of my favourite lunacy oils of all time. I don't think I'll be needing a backup bottle of this, but I do enjoy it. It's not as in-your-face SWEET! as Anne Beany is, if anything it's fruiter and a touch more grown up. Delicious <3
  9. cherrycherry

    Anne Beany

    I was worried about this one, basically because I craved Grog for the longest time and then when I finally got my hands on an imp and tried it, it turned to burned plastic on my skin. I'm still a bit upset about that now Anyway, the rum note in Anne Beany did worry me, but upon trying it this morning I can officially say that it does work on my skin! Wet in the bottle I get the sweetness of the cheesecake and on my skin it settles into a syrupy rum-butterscotch. The label art is beautiful (how cute is Lilith, really?) and... I think I may need another bottle >__< This is foodie LOVE!
  10. cherrycherry

    Erebos Atmosphere Spray

    This is my go-to-sleep scent and it works perfectly. It's so different to anything else I've ever tried to help me sleep because it's not just a single and overpowering lavender note. It's complex, delicate and beautiful. It soothes in a gentle and yet direct way and I can't get enough of it
  11. cherrycherry


    A review for original Midway -- Okay, so now I understand all the comparisons with Velvet Unicorn. Good God, this is one delicious and gourmand blend. I am so glad that I finally tracked a bottle down and persuaded my husband to treat me to it. The throw is spectacular and it just lasts and lasts for hours. I put the smallest dab on before taking my brother to the fair the other night and I could still smell it wafting from my throat and hair when we got home. I seriously wish that this scent could be brought back in some way to the regular catalogue as everyone deserves to try this. Absolutely beautiful.
  12. cherrycherry

    Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple

    Guh, this is delicious. I've never smelt or tasted candy corn before, so I'm not sure how accurate the blend is in comparison. All I can say is that I get wafts of juicy, fresh apples and oodles of caramel and sugar. I wish I smelt like this all the time. Actually, with my current addiction to this blend, I may well do so!
  13. cherrycherry

    Licorice Bats

    This is like licorice, cherries and cocoa on me and I am so glad I took the plunge and went for a big bottle. The licorice note sings and yet isn't overpowering at all. I very much like this one
  14. cherrycherry

    Ginger Skulls

    The pear note is very strong on me and overpowers the ginger and other notes. It is pleasant though. It reminds me a lot of the white pear note in Juliet. Yum.
  15. cherrycherry

    Marshmallow Pumpkin

    Mmm, this is so sweet and spicy. I've been waiting to get over a pretty nasty head-cold to try my recent Trading Post purchases and this is the one I was most curious about, especially after reading some of the other reviews. I do get a faint whiff of marshmallow (faint but definitely there) but mostly it is sweetened cinnamon and buttery pumpkin. I was expecting something so much more subtle. Still, it's certainly a winner! Edited to add -- Now this has had about four months to settle, it smells different and works differently on me too. The spice has receded one heck of a lot and in its place is fluffy, powdery vanilla marshmallow. I am crazy for marshmallow scents and so this makes me very happy indeed. The pumpkin remains but again, is now not quite so potent. This has to be one of my fabourite Halloween blends. I need more!! Edited again - I've had this blend for five years now and it's changed even more. There is very little spice and it isn mainly marshmallow with a subtle (and delicious) undertone of pumpkin. This keeps getting better and better.
  16. cherrycherry

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Those BPTP labels are absolutely gorgeous!! I was maybe hoping for pictures of actual marshmallow pumpkins and licorice bats etc, but I find I actually prefer the labels as they are. Hope my order comes soon! ^__^
  17. cherrycherry

    All Saints'

    Dark, complex florals. The roses are more subtle than I expected, but they make for a lovely backbone to the other notes. Not my absolute favourite of the Weenies for 2010, but a stayer all the same.
  18. cherrycherry

    All Souls

    Sweet, soft and comforting. I adore the incense note. I only get the very slightest whiff of baked goods sadly, but maybe it will increase with age.
  19. cherrycherry

    Blue Pumpkin Floss

    I get MEGA!cinnamon in the bottle and absolutely nothing else. Wet on my wrist, the cinnamon remains the predominant note but during the drydown I get a real lift from the pumpkin. There's also a real, authentic gingerbread note in there. I bake gingerbread every Christmas to give as extra gifts to my loved ones and I definitely get the sweet, spiced scent of a fresh batch. Sadly, there is no 'floss' and no blackberry note either, which does disappoint me somewhat :/
  20. cherrycherry


    Although I adore patchouli, I do find that it can dominate most blends that include it. With the 2010 version of Samhain, it's almost a ghost in the background, deepening and darkening the spiced apples and damp, Autumn leaves. Also, the throw is amazing. I put a little dab of this on last night whilst my husband was making us a drink and when he returned, he stopped in his tracks, inhaled deeply and asked what I'd just used. We both love this one. It's dark, serious and lush, all at the same time. Makes me all the more excited for Halloween
  21. cherrycherry

    Punkie Night

    Green apples, crisp and juicy, with cranberry. It's a cooler scent than I imagined and so it brings me mental images of a twilit sky over an orchard, walking between the trees dressed in warm woollens and boots, craving a pint of homemade cider once I reach my destination.
  22. cherrycherry

    The Infernal Lover

    I've decided to re-write this review because The Infernal Lover has become my all-time favourite BPAL blend EVER and I didn't do it justice the first time around This is a very simple blend and the first honey that has worked on me in the way I wanted it to. I love the scent of honey, but unfortunately it doesn't always work so well on my skin. Sometimes it can turn powdery, other times sort of sour... the honey in The Infernal Lover is different. I'm not sure if it's because of the cream or the red musk, but this honey on me stays true (for once!) and is beautifully sweet and deep. I haven't tried the version without the red musk but I can imagine it's very good. As for me, I like the red version and am hoarding bottles as fast as I can! I first started to use this blend properly around November of last year (2010). I'd been distracted by the other blends in my Halloween order at first and so The Infernal Lover was tested a couple of times and then left to settle. When I did get around to wearing it for a day at work, I couldn't believe the amount of attention it brought. I don't really wear perfume for attention, I wear it more for how it makes me feel and yet the amount of compliments I got was astounding - enough to make me wear it more. I fell in love with the scent after wearing it for roughly a whole week straight. Before long I'd used half of my 5ml and knew I'd have to acquire more. Now I use it more sparingly (as a treat, if you will) and every time I use it I feel confident and sexy. I have many bottles hidden in a secret, dark place and I am so looking forward to sampling them once a few years have passed. I can imagine that The Infernal Lover will age just beautifully. It manages to combine sweetness, depth and sensuality with a truly masterful simplicity. Scents like these are what keep me falling in love with BPAL, again and again. Beth has truly outdone herself with this little beauty and I send my thanks to her for creating it so perfectly.
  23. cherrycherry


    Exquisite and sinfully sweet, this is warm doughnuts with a fruit, syrupy centre, sprinkled generously with pink sugar. Both in the bottle and on my skin, it literally makes my mouth water.
  24. cherrycherry


    This blend does smell like a cologne to me and that's just fine I get leaves and aquatics and a soaring darkness that reminds me perfectly of October nights. It's a complex one. I've never smelt this one aged, but I can imagine it will be very lovely indeed.
  25. cherrycherry


    I can't believe I haven't reviewed this one yet. I thought I had. Nevermind! I have Boo 2009 and 2010 and I have to say that the '09 version wins out by a long chalk for me, but then I guess I can put that down to the aging process. They both smell deliciously creamy, so much so that its an almost sensual experience to take a sniff from the bottle. It doesn't smell like that horrid plastic-cream scent that you often get when a blend attempts to be 'creamy' - this is the real deal. It smells like freshly opened double cream, ready to be whipped up and poured over some autumnal fruits or pumpmin pie. Mmmm! I hope this comes back every year as everyone should get a chance to try this and to age it too, for it really makes all the difference to me. What a gorgeous, gorgeous blend.